Title: Jack Canon’s American Destiny
Author: Greg Sandora
Genre: Political Fiction
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon (Kindle), Amazon (Paperback)
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
It’s the steamy summer of 2016 in Washington, D.C. just days before the Democratic National Convention. A long and painful recession has left ordinary Americans suffering, spawning the hottest Presidential Contest in history. Jack Canon, a man born into privilege, a witness to great social injustice is going to be President of the United States–no matter what! Desperate and corrupt, the leader of the free world orders a hit to slow him down. The plan backfires–the wrong people are dead–a manhunt points to the unthinkable–The President of the United States.
Rewind one year, Jack’s focus on redistribution of wealth and energy has made him powerful enemies. Once his friends, Rogue Billionaires, Oil Sheiks, the Mob, all want him gone. The current President wants him alive–thinking he can win against an unabridged liberal. A Universal Raw Nerve of wealth vs. poverty is exposed becoming a thrill ride as deep machinations of espionage, geo-politics and deception, even murder play out. Kind and charismatic, Jack’s just naughty enough to have you falling for him like one of his loving circle of loyal friends. Of course he’s flawed, a dedicated family man, faithful to one woman, but in love with two. Is it his fault his best friend is impossibly jaw dropping beautiful? Think the crime and passion of the Godfather meets the romance and innocence of Camelot. A story that could spark a movement, a book that can seed a revolution. A heart thumping climax so shocking you’ll pull the covers and draw the shades! One things for sure, through all the drama and suspense, you’ll be pulling for Jack!
I don’t usually read political novels, although I don’t know why. It’s just that it’s never been my primary area of interest – but Jack Canon’s American Destiny made me look at these types of novels in a whole new light. Jack Canon is an ambitious idealist who wants to be President of the United States. You’d think a man who has it all – charming wife, a gorgous assistant who flirts with him every once in a while, who’s intelligent and handsome, would be all right with ‘just’ being a senator, but Jack has higher dreams. Unfortunately his dreams may well be shattered when he comes the intended victim of an attack.
Jack’s problem is that he’s too much of an idealist, which is ultimately the reason why people are out to kill him. He wants to distribute wealth equally, come up with a plan for cheap energy, stop wars and fighting in general, and all in all, make America a better country than it is today, some sort of Utopia. But in doing so, he basically sets himself up to be killed. However, Jack Canon isn’t one to give up easily. He follows through with his plans, no matter how hard it gets. He shows us a picture of a better world, and a man willing to fight for it, even if the odds are against him.
Jack Canon’s American Destiny was a fast-paced read, with enough twists and turns to keep me interested. The main character was charismastic and amusing, but it was good that he had his own set of flaws to account for. Jack’s dreams are the core of this book, his desire to bring forth a better destiny for everyone is the drive behind his actions and the plot. If you’re in the mood for a suspenseful, inspiring read set against a political backstory, then try this one. I doubt you’ll be dissapointed.
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