Title: The Moonlight Serenade (Fascination Island #2)
Author: Kate Hinderer
Genre: Fantasy, YA Fantasy
Age Group: Young Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
When the opportunity of a lifetime falls into Collette’s lap, she jumps at the chance to intern at Fascination Island and sing on the stage of the Moonlight Serenade. Growing up around the theater, she’s dreamed of making it big since the first time she saw her mother grace the stage. But she first needs to conquer the overwhelming shyness that threatens her at the most inopportune time. And then there is Falcon. With his dark looks and charming personality it’s easy to fall for someone she can never have a future with, and that’s before she learns his secret.
This is the second book in the Fascination Island series. The book is a stand alone with different main characters from the other books in the series. The books do not need to be read in order. The first book is The Emerald Isle
Collette is an interesting, fun and enjoyable character. She jumps at the opportunity to become an internet at Fascination Island, and to sing on the stage of the Moonlight Serenade. It has always been her number one dream to make it big in the world of theater and acting, like her mother, however she’s incredibly shy. She meets Falcon and instantly feels drawn toward him. He hides a lot of secrets though, and behind his charming personality could be some dangerous secrets…µ
This book can be read as a stand-alone. I had no problem following what was going on. The plot was strong, and intriguing. It’s fantasy but you don’t always get the idea that you’re in a fantasy world. I also really liked Falcon. He has a charming personality, a great sense of humor, and a lot of mystery surrounding him.
The story was heart-warming and amazing, a great mix of suspense and adventure and romance. Definitely a must for fans of fantasy.
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