Goals for 2014

goalsLast year, I went a little overboard with my goal list. I reached quite a few of them, but I also failed an almost equal amount. Here are last year’s goals. I crossed the ones I finished out.

Reading and Reading Blog

  1. Keep a review schedule. Review a book maximum one week after I finished reading it.
  2. Finish blog schedule for upcoming month by the end of the previous month.
  3. Read and review 150 books.
  4. Keep track of my reading challenges on I Heart Reading Challenges.
  5. Keep track of all books I’ve read and review on I Heart Yearly Reads.
  6. Get through my backlist of review copies.
  7. Update the website design for I Heart Reading.
  8. Crosspost all reviews on Goodreads and B&N.
  9. Make a balanced blogging schedule of working on the blog maximum 1/2 hours a day consistently.
  10. Write monthly round-up posts at the end of each month.

So, as you can see, I didn’t do all that bad. The reading challenges failed (no wonder, I participated in 20 challenges!) so this year, I’ll keep track of them on the blog, and I only signed up for five. I’ll post about my progress regularly, and add the progress in the sidebar. As you can see, I added those cute little progress bars for the challenges in the sidebars, and I hope they’ll help me keep track.

I failed the monthly round-up posts as well, although that’s definitely something I want to incorporate here.

As for a balanced blogging schedule – I’m getting there. I write down five items each day on my to do list for my blog (and five for studying, book tours, writing, etc) and most days, I manage to do most, if not all, of them. But I’m still lagging behind. I want to get about a month head start on my post – which means I’d be writing reviews now for February. Unfortunately, not the case, which leaves me little breathing room. Oh well. Better luck this year!

And here are my goals for 2014 (reading-wise, if you want to see my writing goals, visit my author website).

  1. Read and review at least 200 books.
  2. Keep track of progress on reading challenges I signed up for.
  3. Write monthly round-up posts at the end of each month.
  4. Crosspost reviews on Goodreads, B&N, Netgalley and I Heart Yearly Reads.
  5. Add covers of reviewed books on Facebook.
  6. Add covers of received review copies on Facebook.
  7. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 50%.
  8. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 60%.
  9. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 70%.
  10. Organize my Goodreads shelves.

So, there they are. What are your goals for 2014?


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