Feature and Follow Friday (9)

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Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison can Read. Each week, they ask bloggers a question they respond to in their Feature and Follow post.

I would like to be followed through Bloglovin, Email or RSS. If you follow me through Networked Blogs or LinkyTools as well, then I’ll love you even more. You can find an RSS button, and an email subscription form in the sidebar, and a link to Bloglovin’ as well.

This week we have to talk about our book blogging resolutions for 2014. I already wrote a post about that on January 1. You can read about my goals for 2014 here.

In short (the original post is way longer), here are my goals:

  1. Read and review at least 200 books.
  2. Keep track of progress on reading challenges I signed up for.
  3. Write monthly round-up posts at the end of each month.
  4. Crosspost reviews on Goodreads, B&N, Netgalley and I Heart Yearly Reads.
  5. Add covers of reviewed books on Facebook.
  6. Add covers of received review copies on Facebook.
  7. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 50%.
  8. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 60%.
  9. Bring Netgalley review rate up to 70%.
  10. Organize my Goodreads shelves.

What were your favorite reads for 2013?


  1. Seems like a lot of time consuming resolutions. I wish you luck — you are better than I am! Very organized. Here’s my FF

  2. Nice resolutions, good luck! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
    Old Follower
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  3. I love your NetGalley resolutions. I had a 90% and then went crazy and requested a bunch of books, now I’m at 35%! What a big mistake. Good luck with that and all of your other resolutions. Have a great week.
    My FF
    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

  4. Last year I really worked on cross-posting my reviews… I started to realize how important it it to really spread the word about great titles and to maximize my reach. Even if the people who see my review on Goodreads, etc never stop by my blog, at least they read the review! That’s still a win for me!
    I really need to work on my Netgalley review rate too. I think it’s like 1%. I’m horrible… but the reviewing system there is a pain and I hate trying to track down the titles once they are archived! Still, I need to make sure they get posted there.
    Thanks for stopping by The Hiding Spot! New follower via Bloglovin’.

  5. 200 books. Wow. Good luck and hope you get to accomplish all of them =)
    Thanks for stopping by and I follow via bloglovin.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Read and review at least 200 books! WOW! That is an awesome goal! I wish I had enough time to do that! I’m hoping I can do 150! I also need to organize my goodreads shelves better! Thanks for reminding me! 🙂 I’m a new follower via bloglovin!
    Pivot Book Reviews FF

  7. I need to cross post more often myself. I tend to not always do that. I don’t have to worry about facebook because a few years ago facebook blocked my blog and I haven’t been able to get them to unblock it. Thanks a lot facebook!!

  8. The reading challenges one is one I’ll need to work on too – I signed up for a bunch of challenges, but didn’t think about how hard it might be to keep track of them all! Thanks for visiting my FF!! I’m now following you via Bloglovin’.
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  9. Great answers this week! I’m a new follower on bloglovin! Thanks for stopping by my blog..I really appreciate it!

  10. I’m a new follower through google+, thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I just organized my goodreads self at the being of this week. I’m a so glad I did because it also helps me keep track of my ebooks and books I have on my bookshelf at home. Def worth taking the time to do!

  11. I need to get my netgalley review rating up as well. I just went over 50% the other day. I set my goal to 200 books as well, hopefully this goes well for me. Good luck on your resolutions!
    Denise @ Dandelionn Wine Book Blog

  12. Great resolutions.
    Good luck with Netgalley, I always find it so hard to keep up with the reviews.
    Thanks for stopping by the Harem.
    Old follower :0)

  13. Hi, thanks for checking out my blog and following, I am an olf follower : )
    Kate @ The Little Blog of Geek

  14. Lovely blog and I love your resolutions, I wish you luck!
    New follower via Networked Blogs
    Gizzimomo xx

  15. Very ambitious!. New follower via Bloglovin’. Good luck with them all. My FF

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