Title: Prime
Author: Windsor Harries
Genre: Science-Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Since birth, Toch has prepared for his destiny: to become the Prime, the being who would save his race from the oppressive Spidon. Perfected over uncountable generations, the genetic power that will free them lies dormant until he reaches maturity. Until then, with the help of his friend and Protector, he needs to stay hidden—and safe—from the Spidon.
Everything goes according to the Plan, until a traitor reveals the truth about Toch, putting the future of their entire race in danger . . .
Prime is an interesting novella. At roughly fifty pages, it serves as a great introduction to, what I hope, will be a series. Toch and Luqas are best friends, but they’re more than that. In a world where humans are looked upon as ants, working as labor forces for an alien race, the Spidon, both of them have a destiny to fulfill. Toch’s destiny is to become the Prime, the being who would, according to legend, save humnity from the Spidon. He has a genetic power lying within him, waiting until he becomes an adult. Luqas is his Protector, who – as the title suggests – has to keep him safe from the Spidon. But when someone brings out the truth about Toch, and who he is, the future of the human race has in the balance…
The story is fast-paced and we’re thrown right in the middle of the action with two likeable, engaging protagonists. I liked Luqas the most of both of them, but both characters, as well as the secondary characters, were intriguing. The book had a few surprising twists, especially at the end.
An engaging, well-written novella. I’m already looking forward to the next book by this author.
[…] Prime by Windsor Harries […]