Book Review: Between Two Worlds by Christy Santo

Between Two Worlds KindleTitle: Beween Two Worlds
Author: Christy Santo
Genre: Time Travel
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Rebecca dreams her present time and lives her past.

It is 2006 and Indiana University graduate student Rebecca Harrison attends a Halloween party. Unknown to her she will have her world turned upside down when she leaves it. An unexpected accident rips her from 2006 Indiana and abandons her in 1983 Fanwood, New Jersey her hometown. She struggles to relive the past and exist as another woman with the same name and birthday as her. Can she find a way to return to her present time or will her past become her future?

In Between Two Worlds, after attending a Halloween party, a fall down the stairs rips Rebecca’s world apart. She’s no longer at university in Indiana in 2006, but instead she’s stuck in her hometown in Fanwood, New Jersey, in 1983. The story starts with a bang, and Rebecca figures out she’s gone back in time on the very first page.

She revisits her childhood home, where she finds out more about mystery Rebecca, a woman with the same name and birthday as her but who is older than her brother (whereas Rebecca’s brother is older than her) and who works as a secretary for a non-profit organization. Taking over the life of this mystery Rebecca isn’t easy, and her dreams transport Rebecca back to 2006.

Will back have to adapt to life in the 1980s or will she find a way back to 2006?

The story is interesting and fast-paced. At 50 pages it’s more of a novella, and I finished it in about an hour. The concept is interesting, and I enjoyed reading about Rebecca’s struggles and seeing her grow stronger as a character. An interesting novella about family and travelling back in time.

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