Title: Eye of the Storm: Eilida’s Tragedy (Book 1 in the Ruthless Storm Trilogy)
Author: Elle Klass
Genre: Paranormal Suspense
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
A disturbance at her neighbor’s house piques Eilida’s curiosity. What she discovers is so shocking it sends her running through the mountainous woods during a thunderstorm. She slips on the wet ground, plummets down Mount Wilde, and slams into a large boulder beside River Freedom. Eilida is transported to Lyden, where Sunshine, a receptionist at the local paper becomes engrossed in her story. The further Sunshine delves into Eilida’s life the more entangled their lives become. Paranormal events, frightening dreams, and terror filled memories draw the women together into an unthinkable web of horror.
I’ve read so many paranormal books already that it takes a lot to surprise me. Eye of the Storm: Eilida’s Tragedy managed to do just that. With an original plot, a character relationship that kept me guessing and dropping hints along the way without ever giving away the big reveal, this book is a little gem, the kind of read you just have to love.
Eilida’s curiosity gets piqued when she hears a disturbance at her neighbor’s house. Instead of minding her own business, she decides to investigate. But the scene at the house is so shocking she runs into the mountains, while a thunderstorm breaks out overhead. After slipping on the wet floor, she plummets down and slams into a large boulder. Then she’s transported to Lyden, where a woman named Sunshine becomes engrossed in her story, and their lives become more entangled than either of them thought possible.
The book left me guessing until the end. Both Eilida and Sunshine are engaging characters, but it was the plot, and the questions piling up that was most interesting to me. If the author can come up with any more of these gems, I’ll gladly read them.
Thank you for this wonderful review. So happy you enjoyed 🙂 i think of the plot as a pretzel when you think you “got it” it twists again. Happy 4th!