Time for some mini-reviews! What are mini-reviews, you ask? As the title suggests, these are short reviews, consisting of one paragraph tops, about a book. It’s a way to catch up on the books I’ve read a while ago, but never got around to reviewing.
Dark of Night
Title:Dark of Night
Author: Marios Savva
Genre: Thriller
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
It now followed her to Whitesands. Everyone who took part in it with her had died horribly. There was no escaping it. It would get her too. Who could save Jane from the inevitable?
Sheriff Jake, the sheriff of Whitesands, a former inspector of Scotland Yard and world renowned detective, now faced his greatest ever challenge. With the help of his best friend and deputy, Chief, these brothers-in-arms will be tried and tested like never before.
The tragedies that ensue will darken the days of Whitesands. Will Jane be saved? Everyone would give their all to do so. But, would it be enough?
It lurks in the shadows to bring destruction to those brave enough – or foolish enough, to try and stop it. It will not be denied. Or will it ..
Chase the Dark
Title: Chase the Dark
Author: Annette Maria
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult
Rating: 5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Piper Griffiths wants one thing in life: To become a Consul, a keeper of the peace between humans and daemons. There are precisely three obstacles in her way.
The first is Lyre. Incubus. Hotter than hell and with a wicked streak to match. His greatest mission in life is to get Piper into bed and otherwise annoy the crap out of her. The second is Ash. Draconian. Powerful. Dangerous. He knows too much and reveals nothing. Also, disturbingly attractive — and scary. Did she mention scary?
The third is the Sahar Stone. Top secret magical weapon of mass destruction. Previously hidden in her Consulate until thieves broke in, went on a murder spree, and disappeared with the weapon.
And they left Piper to take the fall for their crimes.
Now she’s on the run, her dreams of becoming a Consul shattered and every daemon in the city gunning to kill her. She’s dead on her own, but there’s no one she can trust — no one except two entirely untrustworthy daemons… See problems one and two.
Review: A book filled with fun, danger, action, and basically everything that makes urban fantasy delicious. The world building was excellent, leaving us with a vast, detailed and complex world to explore. The two love interests were great too, but Ash was my favorite. Piper is an interesting character and I enjoyed reading about her struggles. The sequel definitely goes on my to read list.
Wicked Ways
Title: Wicked Ways
Author: Lisa Jackson, Nancy Bush
Genre: Mystery / Suspense
Rating: 1 star
Purchase: Amazon
The Greatest Terrors
Elizabeth Gaines Ellis is an ordinary suburban wife and mother. That’s what she tells herself as she flits between her realtor job, yoga class, and caring for her daughter, Chloe. But for months now, Elizabeth has worried that she’s far from normal…that she’s somehow the cause of a series of brutal, horrible deaths.
Are The Ones
Her mean-spirited boss. A bullying traffic cop. Her cheating husband. Elizabeth had reason to be angry with them all. She didn’t mean for them to die. No one will take her fears seriously–except the private investigator prying into her past. . .
Too Close To See
The more scared and angry Elizabeth becomes, the higher the death toll grows. But those who wrong her aren’t the only ones in danger. Because others have secrets too, and a relentless urge to kill without mercy or remorse…
Review: I wanted to like this book, considering the authors are well-known and I’ve heard good things about their work. But this…It wasn’t what I expected. The plot moves along painfully slow. There are way too many characters and none of them gets enough screen time so that I didn’t connect to them at all. Dialogue is almost non-existent. The only person we spend a lot of time with is Elizabeth – we spend nearly all the time in her head – but still, I couldn’t connect with her either. Dissapointing.
Distracting errors, whether typos, spelling, or grammar can ruin a book. That’s a bummer about Dark of Night.
Thanks for visiting me today.
Oooh, Chase the Dark has a beautiful cover and a 5 Star review?! Wow.. you caught my attention. I am definitely going to add this one to my TBR pile immediately! I like this idea of mini reviews. I tend to read more books than I can actually review, and this seems like a great way to compensate!