Book Review Pearls and Tools of Wisdom for Parents & Children

coverTitle: Pearls and Tools of Wisdom for Parents & Children

Author: Donna Gardner

Genre: Children’s Book

Age Group: Children

Rating: 4 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Do you want to raise a child that is WISE?

As adults we are charged with protecting our most precious commodity… our children. The greatest protection we could offer them is to provide them with guidance on attaining wisdom. Within the pages of this book you will read the pearls of wisdom offered in God’s word. As well as learn tools that you and your child can apply to everyday life. May Pearls and Tools of Wisdom for Parents and Children be a blessing for you and your family as it provides guidance on the importance of listening, praying, learning, being positive, being good, working, and persevering.

In Pearls and Tools of Wisdom for Parents & Children, child psychologist Donna Gardner shows parents how to teach their children certain biblical values, accompanied by cute illustrations. For example, the first chapter focuses on listening, and it explains what the bible and God say about listening. Next, Dr. Donna gives a lesson about listening to the parents and then to the children. She also proposes an activity, has some advices specifically for girls and boys, and then includes a biblical verse about wisdom. The chapter ends with a page for notes that parents and kids can fill in.

The second chapter focuses on praying, and uses the same formula. The book goes on like that, providing wisdom and lessons for parents and kid while showcasing the lessons with cute illustrations using lots of colors.

It’s an interesting book, one that would be great for parents and kids to read together.


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