Book Review Post Traumatic De-Stress

9781742845135_CoverTitle: Post Traumatic De-Stress
Author: Pat Joce
Genre: Healing, Spritiualism, Mind Body & Spirit, Non-Fiction
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Post Traumatic De-stress is a self-support tool for those impacted from a loss event. The book is written from the perspective of a Loss Survivor and it is not a medical reference. The unique feature of this book is that it is presented as a personal journal of a Loss Survivor and allows for the reader to journalise their own loss journey. The character of the Loss Survivor is fictitious however the journal entries of this character are based on true accounts of loss experience. The content of the book focuses on the particular phases of life after a loss event, which include: • Understanding loss • Knowing and monitoring your loss thoughts and feelings • Using support strategies to manage your loss thoughts and feelings • Communicating your loss story • Managing life after loss • Loss realisation and awareness The book promotes is the critical importance for the Loss Survivor to seek professional medical advice as soon as possible after experiencing a traumatic event.

Having gone through several loss events already, I know how tough it is to deal with that loss, to heal from it, to let go of all the conflicting emotions you feel connected to it. Reading Post Traumatic De-Stress felt like reading the book I should’ve read when I first went through something like this. I needed this book right then, but unfortunately I didn’t have access to it yet. People going through loss, suffering from anger, depression, and all the emotions that follow a loss event, should definitely read this one.

What I enjoyed the most was how the book was written from the POV of a Loss Survivor. It reads a little like a journal/diary while at the same time providing insight. Recovering from loss is a tough journey, and I do feel this book can help if you’re going through this.


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