Book Review Sebastian Cork

9781742845265_FrontTitle: Sebastian Cork

Author: Neal Davies

Genre: Thriller

Age Group: Adult

Rating: 4 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Sebastian Cork – Sebastian Cork is a noted Psychologist at the pinnacle of his career, but as he fast approaches sixty he finds himself drifting and lacking enthusiasm. Things change when an unforseen event places him in the slums of the most sinister side of town in search of a killer.

Sebastian Cork seemingly has it all. He has a great career as psychologist, a loving family, wealth and basically everything a person could want. But he’s lost his passion for his career, a passion that gets refuelled once he gets thrown into a murder investigation. The murderer always seems one step ahead of him, and in typical murder mystery fashion, he has to connect the dots to find out who did it.

I enjoyed Sebastian Cork’s personality. As an intelligent psychologist, he offers a refreshing view on the murder case. After reading several books in a row featuring detectives, who have quite the specific outlook on life and on how to solve a case, at least if one is to believe literature, it was refreshing to see this process from the point of view of someone who isn’t a detective.

The pacing was fast once you got past the initial chapters, but not so fast I didn’t grasp all the clues. It was an entertaining read, and I also enjoyed the flashbacks, as they gave more insight in Sebastian’s personality.



  1. I’ve never heard of this book but It sounds pretty intriguing 🙂 Great review, Majanka!
    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf


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