Title: The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth
Author: Chris Parker
Genre: Fantasy
Age Group: Adult (18+)
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Nickolas Suzuki was not like your usual sixteen year old. First off, he has nine trillion dollars at his disposal. Secondly, he has superpowers. But while celebrating a birthday party, his loved ones are attacked by an old family enemy, which forces him to go into hiding. Ten years later, he is now a miserable twenty-six year old who has to raise and protect his younger foster brother.
Joshua Suzuki was not like most sixteen year old either. He doesn’t have friends or even attends high school. He lives all alone in his big house in Porter Ranch, California, with his older foster brother, Nick. He’s lived with his brother for ten years without any contact with the outside world and he’s sick of it. Josh begins to resent Nick, which sparks many heated fights between them.
But when Nick suddenly goes missing, Josh is forced to travel through the outside world filled with lakes of dead bodies, mysterious pink orbs, and demons the size of mountains, just to rescue his brother. Can Josh survive long enough to find his brother?
The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth is a short read at just 71 pages, but it does pack a lot. Nickolas Suzuki has spent the last ten years of his life hiding from an ancient family enemy, and doing everything he can to protect his younger foster brother Joshua from said enemy. Joshua detests his brother for keeping him from a normal life, and the two of them don’t get along at all.
But when Nick goes missing, Joshua has to travel to the outside world, a world he’s not familiar with at all, and a world that’s vastly different from our own, with lakes filled with dead bodies, demons, and so on. Can Joshua find Nick? Can he even stay alive in a world he doesn’t know?
A lot happens to Joshua on his journey to find Nick, and we really see him grow as a character. The world-building was great, and the characters developed a lot throughout the book, particularly Joshua. The writing was all right too, and all in all, this was a fast, enjoyable fantasy read.
This definitely sounds interesting, Majanka. I’m always a little wary of short stories, because I often find them a little lacking in one aspect or another.
Great review 🙂
Thank you so much for your review, Majanka! I really appreciate it. I hope you’ll find Book 2 enjoyable too. If there is anything I can do for you, just ask.