Title: A Distant Shore
Author: Mariam Kobras
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult (18+)
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Independent Publisher Book Award for Romance
Amazon #1 Bestseller – Contemporary Romance
There’s nothing like receiving a letter from a teenage son you knew nothing about, but that’s what happens to international rock star, Jonathon Stone. He drops everything to find the boy, and his mother—Naomi, the girl he loved so many years ago who left him when his rock n’ roll life became too much for her to bear.
Seeing her is like falling in love all over again, and everything seems perfect, until someone sets out to destroy their idyllic life.
In A Distant Shore, Jonathan Stone, an aging rockstar, still longs for Naomi, a girl he fell in love with years ago, who left him because his rock n’ roll life was too much for her to bear. When he gets a letter from his teenage song, who claims his mother is Naomi, and that Jonathan is his father, he sets out to find and reconnect to Naomi and to his son.
This isn’t your usual rockstar story: in fact, it holds many different layers. I enjoyed most of the characters, in partiuclar Naomi. They all came across as believable, three-dimensional, and as real, genuine people. The settings were well-crafted too, and the author did a great job making the various locations come to life. Reading this book was almost like going on a journey and discovering new places and countries.
The writing was excellent, and it helped me to engage the reader into the story. The story flowed well and often threw in a couple of twists and surprises, keeping the reader on their towns.
Certainly differnet from what I expected, but an entertaining book all the same.
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