Title: Truth Unveiled (Daughter of Ravenswood Book 2)
Author: Kim Cleary
Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Meagan Greystone, a new necromancer who grew up orphaned and homeless, has finally discovered a community where she belongs. But as she settles in at Ravenswood Manor, her ancestral home, a strange voice in her head unravels her newfound peace.
The source of the unsettling communication is Quintus, Meagan’s distant ancestor, known for his brutality and incredible power. When she attempts to enlist her father’s help by raising him from the dead, it’s Quintus who regains a foothold in the land of the living. Now reborn, he vows to obliterate everything Meagan treasures unless she joins him in his quest for power.
Meagan must overcome the heartbreak of unimaginable betrayal and fight in the face of a seemingly hopeless situation. Will she find the strength she needs to defeat the power of darkness and save the people and home she has grown to cherish?
After the events that transpired in Path Unchosen, the first book in the Daughter of Ravenswood series, I couldn’t wait to read the second book, Truth Unveiled. Once again, Kim Cleary delivers with loveable, complex characters and a plot that is both unpredictable and engrossing.
Meagan has finally found a place where she belongs as she settles in at Ravenswood Manor, her ancestral home. But a strange voice, belonging to a distant ancestor, haunts her. This man, Quintus, was brutal, powerful, and cruel, and when Meagan attempts to raise her father from the dead, it’s Quintus who manages to come back to live. Reborn, he vows to destory everything Meagan holds dear, unless she joins him on his quest for power.
I enjoyed this book even more than the first. I don’t want to give out too many spoilers, but I really enjoyed Meagan’s journey in this book. She started out as a struggling young necromancer, and slowly grew more into her powers and started to believe in herself more. She’s intelligent, strong and brave, and she barely gives herself enough credit for all her good qualities. I also liked how eager she was to protect the people she’s grown to care for.
An amazing dark fantasy read that fans of the genre will definitely enjoy.
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