Title: The Son of Light 2.1: The Fierce Fellowship Games
Author: Chris Parker
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Joshua Suzuki is once again in the loving arms of his older brother, Nick. Putting his concern for the Demon Lord, Hexen aside, Josh focuses on the exciting event that his brother has placed him in—The Fierce Fellowship Games. For once Josh can be a normal teenager and have fun. But he soon finds out that even in the M.B.S. Guild, fun comes at a price.
The 9 Lieutenant Governors all have their own idea of “fun” that involves dirty politics, sex, and an obsession for absolute power. And unfortunately for Josh, he’s caught right in the center of the chaos. Get ready for this character driven novel by Chris Parker because The Fierce Fellowship Games are here.
In The Fierce Fellowship Games, Joshua Suzuki is taking part in the Fierce Fellowship Games (as the title suggests). In the fellowship games, the M.B.S. Guild holds an annual contest, in which each division competes against each other in a series of game. Games are supposed to be fun, but in the M.B.S Guild, a lot more comes into play than just having fun. The 9 Lieutenant Governers have their own idea of “fun”, an with an obsession for power, dirty politics, and some messy relationships, Josh ends up right in the middle of the chaos.
These books have a lot of characters, and luckily, it’s easy to keep them apart. Each character has a distinct personality – for example, it’s easy for the reader to know when Nick is talking, or when Josh is. The plethora of characters also adds an extra dimension to the book and series, making it more dynamic and interesting. The plot is fast-paced, and I kept on wondering what would happen next. This is proving to be an interestnig fantasy series, and I would recommend this book, and the other books in the series, to all readers who enjoy fantasy.
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