Title: The University Cat: A Tale for Grown Ups and Graduates
Author: Jessika Jenvieve
Genre: Urban Fiction
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Gargoyles are said to frighten off harmful spirits and protect the buildings that they guard. They are evil creations and those approaching the University’s Gothic buildings at night are advised to use caution. If you think that a Gargoyle is simply made of stone, you are terribly mistaken.
Penny, a super intelligent, well-educated Siamese cat moves into Professor Eagle’s office and sinks her claws into the exquisite calfskin binding of his books. The Gargoyles have her firmly fixed in their sights. There are terrifying times to come in the University Museum and a wicked plot to prevent Professor Poppett and Poodle from winning the Dog Show. If you thought it was safe to go to university, you might need to think again.
The University Cat: A Tale for Grownups and Graduates definitely wasn’t what I had expected. The story has a definite magical, whimsical feel about it. Penny is a super intelligent, well-educated Siamese cat who has moved into Professor Eagle’s office, and immediately becomes targeted by the gargoyles. Terrifying times lie ahead in the University Museum, and Penny is square in the middle of it.
I liked how the book focused a lot on Penny. It’s not every day you encounter a main character who is a cat. Another one of the characters, Poodle, is an animal too (a dog, as you might have guessed). Yet despite having animals as protagonists, the author does a remarkable job of portraying the animals as having actual personality traits.
The writing wasn’t too complex, and it was a pretty straightforward, but fun read.
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