Title: Pay the Ghost
Author: Tim Lebbon
Genre: Horror, Novella
Age Group: Adult (18+)
Rating: 3 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
A girl goes missing … the father gives up hope … but the mother never stops searching. Now, a year later and close to Hallowe’en, they have a chance to rescue their child. But to do so they must face something terrible.
Pay the Ghost is all right for a short story. The story is pretty basic: Moll, a six-year-old girl goes missing on Halloween. A year later, her father is desperate, her mother even more so. She’s been reduced to a shell of her former shelf, and when she knocks on Lee’s – Moll’s father – door, she looks like a living corpse. But she knows where Moll is, or so she claims, and Lee is desperate to save his little girl. Even if perhaps she can’t be saved at all.
The plot was pretty original, but it wasn’t fleshed out enough in this novella. I couldn’t connect to the characters because they didn’t really have personalities, not even main character Lee. There’s nothing outstanding, different, or intriguing about the book. It’s a pleasant short story, but it doesn’t stand out.
Also, for a horror story, the novella lacks scariness. I wasn’t scared at all while reading.
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