Title: Building Your Author Platform
Author: Tiffany Shand
Genre: Nonfiction
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
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Becoming an author in today’s world has never been easier with the self-publishing revolution. But how does an author stand out in a crowded market?
Setting up and building your author platform before you even publish your first book is the best way for building a solid platform that will last and help you grow your tribe of fans. This book contains all the fundamentals from creating your author website, to choosing your route of publishing and much more!
In Building Your Author Platform, author Tiffany Shand talks about her journey as an author, and the importance of having an author platform to sell your books, even as a fiction author. The book is a short read, only 28 pages, but it offers valuable information, and some helpful tips.
I would recommend this book to all authors, the ones who already have an author platform but want to expand it, and author who are just starting out.
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