Book Review: No Quarter: Dominium – Volume One by MJL Evans and GM O’Connor

book-coverTitle: No Quarter: Dominium – Volume 1
Author: MJL Evans and GM O’Connor
Genre: Historical Fiction / Action Adventure
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Volume 1 of 6 begins in 1689 Port Royal, Jamaica with Atia Crisp and her sister Livia shipwrecked and sold into slavery. They are separated and Atia is used as a pawn in a deadly card game at the Swiftsure Tavern until she is liberated by sugar merchant Capitaine la Roche. Hunted at every turn, they take refuge at Cherry Red’s Boutique and meet up with allies including the medication loving Dr. Strangewayes.

Series Description: 
Against the political stage of 1689 Port Royal, Jamaica, the unswerving Atia Crisp is thrust into the world of bondage, violence, beauty and love. Shipwrecked and sold into slavery with her sister Livia, the pair are soon separated and Atia is used as a pawn in a card game. Captivated by her beauty, Atia is swiftly liberated by sugar merchant, Capitaine la Roche (also known as the pirate, Gator Gar), whose past is stained with blood and grief. La Roche works with a network of friends and allies including local strumpet, Cherry Banks, Theodore Binge the card shark and the kindly, medication loving Dr. Strangewayes. Soon Atia and la Roche are ushered away to safety after a mysterious outbreak of scarlet fever wreaks havoc on the city.

Within the luxuriant tropical confines of Dr. Strangewayes’s plantation at the foothills of the Blue Mountains, bonds of friendship are formed and the fierce love between Atia and Capitaine la Roche becomes absolute. Atia is reunited with her sister, piratical father and unexpected old friends. However, nowhere is safe as spies seek out both Atia and la Roche for the bounties on their heads. Neither of them can escape the shadows of their former lives and must rely on each other’s strengths for survival. Their journey leads them to an inevitable conflict that threatens their world, but inches them closer towards freedom.

Now Available:

No Quarter: Dominium – The Complete Series and No Quarter: Wenches – Volume 1

No Quarter: Dominium – Volume 1, is the first book in a six-part series that starts in 1689, in Port Royal, Jamaica. I love pirates (just about the biggest Pirates of the Caribbean fan ever here, I can even quote entire lines from the movies) and since it mentioned pirates and based on the blurb, sounded like it would be a fast-paced damsel in distress type of story, I couldn’t wait to read it. Needless to say based on my four star rating, I certainly wasn’t dissapointed.

Atia and her sister Livia are sold into slavery, and seperated. Atia is liberated thanks to sugar merchant Capitaine la Roche, who has a bloody past that keeps catching up with him. La Roche has a colorful army of cohorts and friends, and they all bring an unique aspect to the table, and add a lot of depth and realism to the book. When there’s a sclart fever outbreak, Atia and La Roche must run to keep themselves safe.

The past plays a large part in the book, as it keeps catching up to people – not just La Roche, but also Atia, her father, and just about everyone else.

The writing is excellent, and I felt drawn into the story almost right away. I look forward to reading the second book in the series; I’ll definitely check it out when I have some time.

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