Book Review: The Great Connection: Worlds in Waiting by Garry Abbott

great-connection-high-resolutionTitle: The Great Connection: Worlds in Waiting
Author: Garry Abbott
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Following an unfortunate incident involving a delivery drone, a fishing net, and a very tall tree; Raif Masters finds himself forced by his overprotective alpha parents to spend his last school holiday exploring extraterrestrial worlds in ‘The Great Connection’: a real-time simulation of the observable universe, rendered into virtual reality home entertainment.But Raif, a “child of three”, is not alone. Terry, bound to the service of the Masters family, is looking forward to a very early retirement after one last summer looking after his young charge.

Together they meet Cinder, a fellow simunaught who is seeking a crew to share a secret discovery from the other side of the galaxy that could change the life of the Masters, and the future of the Earth, forever.

But are some discoveries best left unconnected?

What if you could explore other planets through virtual reality? What if you could travel beyond our solar system – albeit, in a virtual way? That’s the premise of The Great Connection: Worlds in Waiting, in which Raif Masters is forced to spend his last school holiday exploring extraterrestrial worlds through this virtual reality setup.

Raif is, thankfully, not alone in this endavor. Terry, bound to the service of the Masters family, joins him as they go explore words, and together they meet Cinder, who has discovered a secret that could change the future forever.

This was a daring, suspenseful adventure with relatable, easy to connect with characters. I particularly liked Raif, who is an intriguing protagonist. The writing was straightforward, not too flowery, but I didn’t quite mind, as it allowed room for the plot and characters to shine. It’s a very imaginative story, original and refreshing, and I would recommend it to all science fiction fans.

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