Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Purple Booker. In this meme, we grab our current read, open it to a random page and share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page with our readers.
Click HERE to view all my ‘Teaser Tuesdays‘ posts.
Here is my teaser:
“Oh, forgive me,” Mr. Wang says with a laugh. “Lord knows people pronounce my first name wrong all the time, too. I mean seriously, Chuang Wang? My parents hate me.”
There’s some laughter which takes the attention off of me, and some guy raises his hand and says that his dad’s name is also Chuang.
~ p. 40 The Break Up Support Group by Cheyanne Young
What’s your teaser for this week?
Great excerpt…it drew me right in. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog. Enjoy!
Sounds like lots of humour in this book. Here’s my link for today’s intro/teaser from Mr. Churchill’s Secretary: http://wp.me/p4DMf0-1ti
Yep, solid writing. I laughed. Been seeing this one around and getting interested.
My TT from The Dog
I wasn’t able to understand the genre of the book, but the quote looks interesting!
Interesting teaser. I’d probably keep reading. Thanks for sharing it! And thanks for coming by my teaser!