Title: The Convenient Escape
Author: Robert Downs
Genre: Thriller
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
To Veronica Baird, escaping from an underground dungeon and racing through the woods, is anything but convenient, even as her captor in rubber mask attire proves rather persistent in his continued pursuit. Despite her apparent independence, she considers a partnership, albeit reluctantly, with a former classmate who may still have feelings for her.
Pete Nealey still has flashbacks to Iraq and, with the bottle as his eternal companion, tends to fall off of barstools at the most inopportune moments or pass out face down in the tavern parking lot. But what he may lack in cheerfulness, he more than makes up for with his steadfast loyalty to the cause, even when he ends up handcuffed to an air conditioner in a shoddy motel.
But unless Veronica can learn to trust Pete for more than just intermittent intervals, the slipshod relationship, and her freedom, won’t last…
In The Convenient Escape, the story starts off with a bang. Veronica Baird manages to escape from an underground dungeon. Racing through the woods, desperate to outrun her captor who is in hot pursuit of her, she’s relieved when she can get help. Even if that help comes in the form of Pete Nealey.
Pete is one of her former classmates, now drinking the night away at a bar. The bottle has become his eternal companion after a tour in Iraq destroyed him, and still gives him the occasional flashback to that horrible time. When he sees Veronica, it’s like a trip down memory lane. But Veronica isn’t sure if she can trust him, and he’s not sure if her reapparance is a good thing for him, as it might bring back feelings he thought he’d long managed to bury.
And then there’s also the question: who is after Veronica, and why? And can they escape from the people who want to kill her?
I really enjoyed the writing style, and the plot. Veronica’s personality took some time to get used to, though. Although I felt sympathy for her in regards to what she’d gone through and having to escape such horrible circumstances, I didn’t like her much at first. I did grow to like her as the story progressed.
The book had a lot of suspense, and an intriguing plot. If you like thrillers, it won’t hurt to give this one a try.
Sounds like a thrill ride and I like the premise. The cover caught my eye.