It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (101)


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by BookDate. It’s where book bloggers gather to talk about what books they read and reviewed last week, what books they’re currently reading and what books they’re planning to read. This is a great way for me to plan my reading week, and to take a sneak peek at what others are reading.

Finished Reading

Currently Reading

I didn’t get to read much last week, but I hope to catch up on some books this week. What are you planning to read this week?


  1. Enjoy your new week. I am curious about Awakening.
    Here are

  2. You and I read at the same pace last week and like you, I’m hoping to do some catching up this week. I really want to finish The Last of August.
    I’m joining up in the fun again and I’m hoping you’ll stop by to my new domain.
    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  3. I like the look of Gypsy Prophecy. The blurb at Goodreads makes me want to know more.

  4. Hi Majanka-
    Laura Monster Crusher looks like fun. The Awakening sounds very good. Hope you enjoy your reading this week!

  5. I’ve not read these books, yet. I’ll have to add to my reading wish list! 🙂

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