Book Review: Fallen Star Dust by Morgan Straughan Comnick

Title: Fallen Star Dust

Author: Morgan Straughan Comnick

Genre: Collection (Poetry, Short Stories, and more)

Rating: 4 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

When I reached the point where adult life began to make its presence known right after high school graduation, I looked to the sky. I hoped to see a shooting star that would light my way and I wished that it would leave a trail of star dust behind to remind myself to stay young at heart. Thanks to writing, the enchantment of youth has never left me. In the next chapter of my life, I began college to follow my dream of being an educator. I developed my career, found out who I was an independent being, stopped hiding my passions, figured out my role in my lifelong relationship with my now-husband, and realized that it was okay to question the world. There was darkness that needed to be seen as well as the light. The poems, short stories, scripts, essays, and other works in this second collection are my everything: the shoulders I cried on, my joys, my bravery when the road became too twisty or too safe. It led me to a waterfall of creativity. That fallen star dust gave me the drive to become who I am today: a teacher, an author, a nerd, and a person of morals, love, and magic.

Fallen Star Dust is a collection of short stories, poems, and essays, by author Morgan Straughan Comnick. This book features stories and articles Morgan wrote during her college years, and is the follow-up to her first collection A Sweet, Little Dream, which featured literary works from during her middle school and high school years.

I quite enjoyed the collection. It’s not the usual subject matter I read, but reading about the author’s dreams and aspirations as she went through college reminded me a lot of myself and my own college years. It also allowed me to gain more insight into the author’s life and personality. Most of the poems had a short intro that explained why they were written and what inspired them, and I really liked that, it allowed me to see in the author’s mind.

This isn’t the kind of book you have to pick up and read it one sitting. Rather, it’s the type of book you have to cherish and enjoy slowly, savouring every part of it. You can pick it up, read a poem, and put it back, but the poem might haunt you long afterward.

I particularly enjoyed the short stories too, and how the author’s writing style changed and developed over the years. An intriguing collection that allows more insight in the author’s mind, and shows the creative process as it grows and develops over time.


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