Title: The Unexpected
Author: Travon Toussiant
Genre: YA mystery / thriller
Age Group: Young Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
A young man named Anthony finally gets his dream he always wanted, a tech company. But his company starts to fall down the drain, thanks to Spencer. Throughout the story, Anthony runs into shocking hurdles and painful moments that he never expected. Will Anthony be able to handle this when he finds out?. Or will things get out of hand?.
The Unexpected lives up to its name by offering more than a few unexpected twists and turns. Anthony is a young man who sees his dream fulfilled by owning his own tech company. But then his company starts to fall down the drain thanks to Spencer, and Anthony much face many challenges to save his dream.
The chapters were short and to the point but the book flowed easily from one scene into the other. The writing was suitable for teens, not overly complicated or long, but the descriptions were detailed enough to bring the scenes to live. Anthony was an interesting main character, and it was intriguing to see him change and grow throughout the book.
A solid mystery for young adults.
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