Book Review: Understanding Pain is your Guide to Healing by Hayuta Epstein

Title: Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing
Author: Hayuta Epstein
Genre: Nonfiction, Spiritual
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Your Body Knows Everything

Understand the spiritual cause for pain and use it to for personal growth and healing

Our body speaks to us through pain, as well as other sensations and bodily experiences. Each pain has a reason and a purpose: to signal and communicate to us what needs attention and healing. Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing teaches the reader to listen to the body’s signals and understand the spiritual cause for pain, in order to facilitate personal growth and development.

You can take responsibility for your life and develop the ability to heal yourself

Why did we come to this world? What is the cause of our pain and suffering? How can we connect with our inner guide, enter the path of healing and communicate with Higher Sources of knowledge? This book offers an alternative perspective to the conventional perception of pain, teaching that pain can be a valuable resource for self-understanding and spiritual growth.

Learn how to balance body, spirit and soul

Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing has important and useful insights about the medical, emotional and energy-related reasons for pain, as well as valuable methods for self-healing. Learn how to change harmful thought patterns and reconnect with your inner guide through this new and higher understanding of pain.

In Understanding Pain is Your Guide to Healing, the author describes how pain is our body’s way of letting us know something is wrong. Pain has a reason and a purpose, even if we can’t immediately figure out what the reason is. Pain signals to us something in our body needs to be healed. The book shows how you can listen to your body’s signals and understand the spiritual causes for pain.

You can develop the ability to heal yourself, and that’s what this book tries to promote. However, while I believe that up to some point – a lot of illnesses can be cured more easily with a positive mindset, with attention for your body and the health needs your body has – this certainly does not count for everything. No matter what type of holistic approach you want to try, something you need a doctor or medical professional. But for regular ailments, like a stomach ache or a cold, I do think you can accomplish some self-healing.

It’s an insightful book, but one that needs to be read from a critical point of view.


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