Title: The Blood House (The Blood and Gore Collection)
Author: Amy Cross
Genre: Horror
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Owen Richards is desperate to start a new life with his wife and daughter. On the run from his past, he counts his blessings as he finds a remote house in the middle of nowhere–a perfect hideaway for a man on the run. But what Owen doesn’t realize, is that the house he moved his family into, is far more dangerous than the past threatening to catch up with him.
The last family living here disappeared under mysterious circumstances, an ominous ticking sound acts like a herald of doom, and Owen has no idea that time is running out…
I really liked this book, particularly because I found the concept so intriguing and original. I won’t give any spoilers, but let’s just say this was a twist that I could appreciate.
There’s definitely some gore, though (as the series title suggests) so this isn’t for the faint of heart. I also felt that the book was rushed in some places, but overall, I really enjoyed this story and I thought it was innovative and original.
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