
I Heart Reading was established in November 2010. Originally, it was only meant to host reviews, but it has quickly grown and nowadays also hosts author interviews, guest blog posts, giveaways and more. This website runs on WordPress, a free blogging platform.

I use Rafflecopter for giveaways. I get most of my book images from Goodreads.


All content is © 2010-2023 Majanka Verstraete and may not be copied or redistributed without my written permission. To obtain said permission, please email me. However, if you’re a fellow book blogger, an author whose book I reviewed or a publicist/publisher, feel free to take small parts of my review to put on your website, the book cover, etc.

I receive no monetary compensation for the reviews written on this blog. These reviews are my honest opinion. I do, however, sometimes receive ARCs or review copies from publishers or authors in exchange for a review. These do not influence my opinion in any way.

You can check out this blog’s Privacy Policy here.

About Me

My name is Majanka, I’m thirty-two years old, and I live in Belgium. I have a Master of Law and a Master of Criminology degree, and I currently work full-time as a lawyer. I’m also the proud mom of a beautiful baby girl called Seraphyn, and of three cute kitties called Snoebels, Teigetje and Kyra.

As you may guess from this blog, reading is one of my greatest passions. I used to read mainly epic fantasy – Game of Thrones, anyone? – and anything having to do with vampires. The last couple of years, I broadened my horizon. My favourite genres nowadays are: ghost stories (true hauntings and fictional ones), reverse harem romances (why choose?), vampire novels, murder mysteries and thrillers. I also enjoy middle grade novels and children’s books with paranormal elements.

Next to an avid reader and book blogger, I’m also an author. I write speculative fiction for children and young adults. You can read more about my books and writing on my author website.

I organize book tours and other promotional events for authors through Enchanted Book Promotions. Release day parties, cover reveals, you name it, we can do it. I can also help authors or publishers with website design, book cover design and more. If you’re interested, just check it out. I’m always open to quotes or offers as well, so don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’ve worked for several years as an editor and proofreader. From 2014-2017, I edited over thirty novels for Booktrope Publishing (now defunct). From 2017-2018, I was the lead executive editor for Fear Front Publishing, a small horror publishing house.

Whatever spare time I have left between working, playtime with Seraphyn, cuddling my cats, blogging, reading and writing, I usually spend crafting (I love building miniature houses), playing Dungeons & Dragons (once every two weeks), and socializing with my friends. I also enjoy watching TV, although I don’t have much time for it. My favourite TV series are: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (best series ever), Angel (the spin-off), The Vampire Diaries (notice a theme yet?), Wednesday, Supernatural and Game of Thrones.

The Bookish Stuff

Things I look for in a book: Original characters, not the cheerleader/gothic girl/whatever clichés, characters who aren’t overpowered (in fact, just give me a character with no powers whatsoever for a change!) and intriguing character dynamics. A plot I haven’t figured out in fifty seconds. Main characters who suffer from some kind of illness, be it mental or physical. And please give me some YA gothic horror. Think Jane Eyre, Frankenstein and everything written by Edgar Poe, but now for young adults.

Things I’m sick and tired of: God-like characters (unless they’re actual gods, bring on Hera, Artemis and the rest of them!), badly-done love triangles, abusive relationships (and yes, Twilight, I’m looking at you!) and missing parents syndrome.

My guilty pleasure: Well-done love triangles. Or love quartets. Oh, and why is it always a girl and two boys? I’d love to see two girls fighting over the same boy once! This is why I enjoy reverse harem books – I don’t have to choose which love interest intrigues me the most then; the heroine can just have them all. Also, ghosts, in all forms and shapes.

Favorite books: In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (Aubrey, I love you. But you really suck in the sequel to this book. Why, Aubrey? Why?), the Game of Thrones Series (Arya Stark for the win, although I’m warming up towards Sansa) and Mists of Avalon by Marion Bradley. I probably have more, but those are the first that come to mind.

Books I dislike: The Vampire Diaries books. Is there any way to make a main character sound more shallow and superficial? Oh wait, there is! It’s called Twilight. Well-written, I’ll give you that, but Bella Swan is the equivalent of a cardboard figure.

I want to read more: Non-fiction true hauntings. Bring on the ghosts, people! Also, gothic horror.

Pet Peeves: Vampire novels with vampire characters who still act like teenagers. You’re a bazillion years old. Why not share with us your distaste for the medieval cuisine, or how you lost from Henry VIII in chess, inspired Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet with your heartbreaking love story, convinced Bram Stoker to write Dracula, scared the hell out of those Victorian-era  occultists, dated an Egyptian high-priestess and wrote the Book of the Death in your spare time, were on board of the Titanic when it sunk and how you hated the nazis. You’ve lived a thousand years. You can’t possibly act like a brainless teenager anymore.