Title: Jordan and Justine’s Weekend Adventures for Wildlife Alliance
Author: Tanille Edwards
Genre: Children’s Book
Age Group: Children
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Jordan & Justine’s Weekend Adventures® for Wildlife Alliance brings children right into the center of animal life at a wildlife conservation center. Jordan and Justine use their magical powers to explore the world of dolphins, to find out how laws can protect wildlife, and to learn what it means to be a mammal. Perfect for children ages 7 to 9. By Tanille Edwards and Latoya Edwards
2016 is the year to take a stand for Wildlife!
There are animals that need our help. Author, Tanille Edwards and publishing company, Fire Flies Entertainment have partnered with the national organization Wildlife Alliance to share 50% of the proceeds from each Wildlife book from the Jordan & Justine’s Weekend Adventures series sold to the organization.
In Jordan & Justine’s Weekend Adventures for Wildlife Alliance, Jordan, Justine, Ling and Raj go to the wildlife conservation center. There they learn about wildlife, how to protect animals, and why it’s important to have centers like this. In part two, they learn more about marine biology and animals living in the water.
The texts are a little on the long side for really young kids, but when a parent reads it to them, they should be fine. The illustrations are very cute, and have a distinct style that I thought worked well. The book is also very informative – and not just for kids. I learned a thing or two too hwile reading it. Jordan and Justine are two likeable characters, kids, and I’m sure kids will easily relate to them.