Reviews P-Q

An alphabetical listing of the reviews on this website, by author’s last name.


Paige, N.J.

Code Human

Paige, Rachelle

Anchored in the Bay

Painter, Kristen

Blood Rights (House of Comarré #1)

Palacz, Ariela

I Love You My Child, I’m Abandoning You

Palmisano, Richard

Meeting Place of the Dead

Pape, Susan & Feathersone, Sue

A Falling Friend

Parent, Jason

What Hides Within

Parker, Chris

The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth

The Son of Light Book 2.1: The Fierce Fellowship games

Parker, Joni

The Blue Witch

Gossamer (Chronicles of Eledon Book 3)

Curse of the Sea

Parkhurst, Johanna

Every Inferno

Parks, Barbara

In The Presence of Spirits

Embracing The Spirits

Parrish, Rhonda

Aphanasian Stories

Parson, Pauline

Love’s Tug of War

Patterson, Skyler

Revenge of the Wolf Two

Paynter, Lucas Aubrey

Outcasts of the Worlds

Killers, Traitors & Runaways

Pearson, Cortney

Phobic (The Forbidden Doors #1)

Pekala, Jeanette

Culture Shock

Pell, Lisa

Dystortions: 100 Hues of Purple

Peretz, Shmuel

The Carpet Weaver of Isfahan

Pergakis, Anastasia V.

Cleanse Fire (Kinir Elite Chronicles #1)

Perna, Em

Grant Me

Persons, Terri

Blind Rage

Persun, Nicole J.

Dead of Knight

Peterson, Michelle

Keridan’s Journey

Phelps, Spencer

Perpetuating the Species

Phifer, Helen

The Ghost House

Philips, Jay

Kingdom of Heroes

Picard, Karen L.K.

Happy Friday Life

Plum, Amy

Die For Me

Pontecorvo, Meg

Murder in the Generative Kitchen

Porter, Sarah

Lost Voices

Powell, Gretchen

Terra (Terrestrials #1)

Prasad, Sunayna

From Frights to Flaws

Wizardry Goes Wild

From Frights to Flaws (2nd edition)

Prasanna, Archana

Ganges Boy

Prentiss, Norman

The Fleshless Man

Preston, Natasha

The Cabin

Pritchard, Christina Leigh

Lark’s End


Pulioff, Kirstin

The Escape of Princess Madeline

Purdy, Brandy

The Secrets of Lizzie Borden