An alphabetical listing of the reviews on this website, by author’s last name.
Paige, N.J.
Paige, Rachelle
Painter, Kristen
Blood Rights (House of Comarré #1)
Palacz, Ariela
I Love You My Child, I’m Abandoning You
Palmisano, Richard
Pape, Susan & Feathersone, Sue
Parent, Jason
Parker, Chris
The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth
The Son of Light Book 2.1: The Fierce Fellowship games
Parker, Joni
Gossamer (Chronicles of Eledon Book 3)
Parkhurst, Johanna
Parks, Barbara
Parrish, Rhonda
Parson, Pauline
Patterson, Skyler
Paynter, Lucas Aubrey
Pearson, Cortney
Phobic (The Forbidden Doors #1)
Pekala, Jeanette
Pell, Lisa
Dystortions: 100 Hues of Purple
Peretz, Shmuel
Pergakis, Anastasia V.
Cleanse Fire (Kinir Elite Chronicles #1)
Perna, Em
Persons, Terri
Persun, Nicole J.
Peterson, Michelle
Phelps, Spencer
Phifer, Helen
Philips, Jay
Picard, Karen L.K.
Plum, Amy
Pontecorvo, Meg
Murder in the Generative Kitchen
Porter, Sarah
Powell, Gretchen
Prasad, Sunayna
From Frights to Flaws (2nd edition)
Prasanna, Archana
Prentiss, Norman
Preston, Natasha
Pritchard, Christina Leigh
Pulioff, Kirstin
The Escape of Princess Madeline
Purdy, Brandy