Title: Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon
Author: Evonne Blanchard
Genre: Children’s Books
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Amelia and Uglesnoo land on Mercury. They meet the Merballs, the friendly aliens that live there. All goes well, until an asteroid hits their planet. Amelia and Uglesnoo find themselves in deep trouble. How will they convince the Merballs of their innocence? And how will they manage to collect the flying shoes, escape Mercury and continue their quest to save Uglesnoo’s sister?
I previously read and reviewed Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage, book two in the series, and really enjoyed it. So, when I had the opportunity to read book three, Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon, of course I couldn’t say no.
With the second book, I was amazed by how creative the author was, and I have to say, this third book is even more original, fun and creative!
In this book, Amelia and Uglesnoo land on Mercury where they meet the Merballs. All seems to go pretty well, until an asteroid hits Mercury, and the Merballs areconvinced Amelia and Uglesnoo are somehow involved. With aliens, different planets, a good dose of humor and excellent storytelling that is age-appropriate, this is one of the best kids series out there. The illustrations are pretty fun too and fit the story well.