Title: Incomplete Silence
Author: Paul Usiskin
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Revie copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Police investigator Dov Chizzik combats a murderous right wing coup attempt
In this second Chizzik Saga, police investigator Dov Chizzik stumbles into a right wing coup to depose Israel’s Chief of Staff. Spearheading the coup is Rivka Aaronson, queen of settlement construction, assisted by Hodaya a ruthless killer. Rivka believes that only if Israel is occupied by religious settlers from the West Bank can it be authentically Jewish. Her first move is to replace the army’s Chief of Staff with a religious general.
Will Dov derail the coup without giving up everything he stands for?
Funding Rivka is the almost anonymous tycoon, Barry Hareven, with several Israeli politicians in his pocket, including the defense minister. Key to the coup are insect drones, which one of Hareven’s companies is developing. Dov is seduced, poisoned, and nearly murdered. Will he have to cross his own red lines to survive? Incomplete Silence is a futuristic thriller that keeps you breathless until the last page.
In Incomplete Silence, police investigator Dov Chizzik accidentally uncovers a right wing coup to depose of the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army. Rivka Aaronson is the woman leading the coup, a woman with certain ideas about religion that could potentially be dangerous. Dov’s life is put at risk more than once during his quest to stop the coup. Will he survive?
This book is a fast-paced thriller with an intriguing plot and one action sequence following the other. It explains a complex political situation in a straightforward way, and implements it into the story rather well. One downside is that some parts of the book are harder to grasp if you’re not familiar with the situation in Israel; however, this doesn’t derail from the story.