Guest Post: Common Mistakes Writers Make that Prevent Readers from Getting to the End

I would like to thank Sophia Anderson for writing the below post for my blog. It’s an interesting, thought-provoking piece, and I highly recommend all authors read it. I’ll leave the floor to Sophia now.

Common Mistakes Writers Make that Prevent Readers from Getting to the End

It’s no doubt that writers are afraid of writing a story that won’t be read by anyone. Have you ever bought a book from a bookshop that you thought it would be interesting to read but you ended up throwing it away? Maybe once, twice or severally; perhaps you were attracted by the headline and you got inspired by the introduction, but while you perused a number of pages, you came to realize the book was not that interesting as you thought.

Now, what could have caused you to drop the book? What mistakes did you come across in the book that made withdraw?

As an author, you need to make readers get interested to read every sentence, topic, chapter and page of your book. There are common reasons that can prevent your readers from getting to the end. Let’s make it clear. Continue reading!

  • Complex or informal language

The language you use when writing a book is of great importance. Neither should it be too easy to appear informal, nor should it be too difficult to the extent of making readers fail to apprehend. You want the reader to understand what the book is all about and so, you need to avoid taking the reader back to the dictionary every now and then to search for a word you used in every sentence. This can sometimes piss off readers. So, understand your readers and tailor your language to them.

  • Poor development

The second reason why readers are not making it to the end is the fact that your plot of a story isn’t dynamic. Do your readers have to peruse twenty pages before they can find the main character of the story? Or do you fancy describing landscapes and scenes specifying every little detail because you think it reproduces the broad picture and thus making your readers go through several pages which could have been much shorter? To avoid this mistake, you need to make what is important known by a reader before they can go too deep into your book and do not go to extremes with what’s not that much essential.

  • Unprofessional editing

Yes! It is true authors are aware that good and professional editing is crucial when it comes to writing a story but do you give this stage the ample time and effort it deserves? Of course, no! In fact, many authors are rushing to have their book printed so that they can get their first loyal readers.

Stanley Spike, the founder, and owner of Best Essays states that “Good and professional editing can get your book more readership, inspire your readers, and make it more easy to understand and interesting to read. Once you are done with writing it, edit it and get a second or a third eye to go through it since they can spot an error you may have skipped during your first reading.”

  • Lazy authoring

You can use clichés, metaphors, and descriptive phrases as much as they add value to your story. All these three make like 30 percent of the whole book. But you must avoid being too lazy in your writing. Note that a well-written story will attract a huge readership, especially when you use clear and easy to understand language. Additionally, readers want to read a story that will stimulate their senses and don’t overload their brain.

  • Shopworn plots

Sometimes as an author, you may use distinct scenes to define moods, characters and if possible, relationships that you already know and which you have picked from other books written by other authors. If the plot of your story has been used repeatedly by other authors, chances are that readers already know what to expect in every chapter of yours. To prevent yourself from doing this, play with your scenes in your mind; keep the readers wanting to know what will follow next.

  • Lengthy paragraphs

A book with lengthy paragraphs can be tiresome to read. Most often authors think that including long description scenes will keep the reader glued to their story, but this is not the case. Your 10-sentence paragraph is the reason why readers get tired when reading your book and click away. Keep off from monotonous sentences. Ensure to use short sentences and short paragraphs for the sake of good comprehension.

  • Dubious structure

A good structure rocks when it comes to writing a story. To make the reader flow along with your story, you need to make all events follow an organized flow. In fact, the best way to achieve this is to make an outline of all the chapters of your story. Avoid going forth and back when mentioning different episodes in order not to puzzle your reader.

  • Unrealistic story

When you put too many exaggerations, unclear ideas, and uncertainties, you kill the reader’s morale in reading your story. No reader would want to read a story that is too unrealistic. A realistic story that suits your plot is more appealing and more interesting to the reader. Ensure your story suits the time and place.

Final thoughts

Every scene in your story should aim at making it flow forward and arouse the reader’s interest. Once you include something that does not suit in your story, the readers will be off-put and will definitely take a chance with another book.

Back to you; what are the reasons that make you close a book and look for a better one? Could you share them right below here?

About the Author

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on learning, writing, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development. Meet Sophia at @Sophia7Anderson.

Guest Post How To Write A “Magnetic” Book Summary

Guest Post by Brandon Stanley

Your summary should be a much simplified version of the book. Writing a book summary is an excellent way of revising what you understood from reading the book. Surely, as any other type of paper, you need some help getting the hang of writing this one, too. Fortunately, we have here a list of 10 excellent tips that will help you write a brilliant summary for the book you are reading.

Take Notes WHILE Reading

Get in your reading space and take a notebook with you. The space where you read your book should be free of distractions and prepared for you to do some careful reading.

Take notes while reading, not after you are done. This will help you record the things you read without any confusions, and reduce the workload for later.

‘’The summary is explaining how the reader understood the book by using his own choice of words. It is not a piece that requires poetic language or extraordinary skills, but serves to show that the reader read and understood the book.’’ – explains Frank Buffy, content writer at

Get a Specific Notebook for the Characters and Numbers

It is actually best to keep different notebooks or papers for separate things, but the key part is to have writing space specifically for the characters, and another for the details such as numbers. You must record these things correctly, since mistaking a name of a character is one of the worst things you can do in a book summary.

Keep a running list of all characters mentioned in the book, and write down some reminders of their characteristics and actions next to the names. This will help a lot in the writing process.

Use Separate Sections to Break Down the Book

Take the book in front of you and break it into sections. If the deadline is tight, you need no more than three separate sections. This should be very easy, because you have the beginning of the story, its plot, and the ending.

Each of your sections will have a goal and a theme. For example, the beginning section will introduce the characters and establish the story setting. The second section will discuss the plot or problem in the book, and the end should resolve these problems or discuss the key idea.

Identify the Key Idea of the Author

The book has some main idea in it, so it is time to find out which is it and write it in the book summary. What lesson is the book trying to teach you (since this is an academic task, this is surely a book that contains a lesson)?

Is it something related to the main character and his actions? Is it a lesson in the form of examples that prove a certain point?

Find this idea and identify it in writing.

Check the Requirements

You should have a list of requirements for the book summary. Read them several times before you start writing to make sure you don’t make a mistake.

Begin by Discussing the Characters and the Main Idea

It is now time to get serious! Start by introducing and describing the characters (the notes you took will come very handy here). This only takes a couple of sentences, and can be a great introduction.

Once you are done introducing the characters, it is time to mention the main idea.

Finish Off by Restating the Key Idea

You are now done with the introduction and have discussed the plot, so all that is left is the conclusion. In most cases, students struggle with this part the most.

With a book summary, it is very simple. Just finish the summary by stating the lesson of the book, or at least what you believe it is. You already know this part, because you checked it in step 4.

Do not Include Your Personal Opinion

A book summary should be neutral. This is not a judgement or praise of a book, but a summary of its story. Make sure none of your writing speaks of your feelings when you were reading the book, and do not discuss whether you agree with the author or not.

Revise, Proofread and Share Your Work

Revise and proofread to check and fix any mistakes. Make sure everything is spelled and referenced correctly. Sometimes it is helpful to share your work with others, and ask them to read over your work.

Get Help

Asking others to check your writing is help, but you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help during the writing process, either. Discuss the main idea or characters with others to clear up things. It is not embarrassing to ask for some help!

If you did all these steps, you have a magnetic book summary in your hands. Good luck!

Author Bio

Brandon Stanley is a professional independent journalist. He is interested in writing articles concerning writer’s techniques. Apart from that, Brandon loves traveling and playing the piano.  Follow him on Facebook and Twitter


Guest Post Call of the Forbidden Way

418kINONWsL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Today I’m pleased to host Robert Owings on my blog, author of “Call of the Forbidden Way”, a Shamanic thriller. Robert Owings is sharing a guest post with us about shamanism and why it’s becoming popular again.

What Is Shamanism – And Why Is It Becoming Popular Again?

Given its recent popularity and growth, shamanism is re-establishing its place in the world. Naturally there’s much more to say when it comes to this subject. And if you want to start a good argument among shamans, or shamanic practitioners, just try asking them to define what it is. Which of course puts me in some treacherous territory given I’m attempting to write about the subject, but I’ve already crossed that boundary.

First, let me say that while shamanism is experiencing a global revival there is nothing new about it. Contrary to popular belief, prostitution isn’t the world’s oldest profession. No, it’s being a shaman. Every tribal culture had someone whose job it was to walk between the worlds, connecting with unseen deities so as to provide two basic services for their community: healing and protection. These two core needs have remained essential among all human societies right up through today. It’s just that today society turns to more “civilised” means to deliver these needs.

Yet shamanism has functioned within all pre-history tribal groups through the millennia. These tribes or clans typically numbered no more than hundred and fifty individuals, often smaller. The shaman was an essential member of these societal groups, a key person essential for their survival.

While healing and protection are imbedded in all shamanic practice, there are many more aspects and purposes addressed within shamanism, ranging from death passage rites to helping to find a lost sheep. Much of today’s focus in shamanism is directed by the individual as a form of spirit-infused psychology, and on the collective level to address global concerns such as Climate Change, world peace, and social justice.

It is speculated that part of today’s interest in shamanism comes from the paucity of meaning or connection to something greater in our increasingly materialist world. While organised religions have attempted to address such matters, numerous people have turned to shamanism to find solace and support for these concerns. The appeal is not just that it is different or trendy, but shamanic practitioners sense they gain a more meaningful and authentic connection to Spirit and divine forces of the Universe.

Here is where institutionalised religions come up short in addressing these needs, which is rooted in belief, underwritten by a requirement of faith. Shamanism on the other hand requires little effort of faith. Instead it can offer a direct experience with the Divine, and often delivers an intense engagement with these unseen forces. And yes, there are many other methodologies to access the Divine such as meditation, dance, dreams, etc.

Part of the reason such an experience is so powerful is that it supersedes our modern rational minds. As a species we all carry millennia of imbedded instincts that respond to these forms of experience. Simply put, shamanism is primal. Humans have practiced shamanism far longer than any form of belief system that arose through empires, organised religions, and the institutionalisation of civilisation.

That legacy has legs—the lineage of our ancestor’s psyches still churns in our subconscious as instinct, intuition, and a longing to connect.

There are lots of interesting contradictions within shamanism, probably mostly due to the fact that human beings practice it. By it’s very nature it’s anti-authoritarian, even rather subversive at the core. This is one of the reasons civilised societies have always sought to stamp it out, replacing shamans with institutional priesthoods who would work in collusion with the agenda of kings and empires. Shamanism fosters questioning, radical free thinking, and is always challenging the established societal order; all inconvenient qualities for a society that requires its populace to think and believe in the same manner: “long live the king”, et al.

We live in interesting times today. We are empowered with extraordinary technical capabilities that carry both good and harmful potentials. There’s great uncertainty in the world. Shamanism provides access to non-ordinary states of consciousness. The guidance one gains in these realms often comes from power animals, plant spirits, spirit guides, etc. and gives the practitioner a sense of empowerment and autonomy to address some of these conditions. There’s no end game here, it’s simply a continuous shamanic process of chop wood and carry water.

So this is where I work, exploring the questions, navigating the ominous, still connecting dots, still striving to learn. The more I do, the more I learn how much I don’t know. I’m okay with that. This is simply my spiritual path, one that I’ve found fosters connection and meaning, and hopefully some healing as well.

About the Book

When Carson Reynolds gets hired to produce a documentary film at a gathering of Native American medicine men, he never suspects it will be a portal into a world that will radically change his life. Despite his resistance to the Call, he is ineluctably drawn into a realm of shamans, priestesses, deities, and plant-medicine work, where he becomes engaged in a searing struggle with extra-dimensional forces that threaten the future of humanity as we know it.

Buy on Amazon.

Author Bio

Robert Owings is an explorer of consciousness. His recently released novel Call of the Forbidden Way is a spiritual plant-medicine thriller and the first book in a forth-coming trilogy published by Cosmic Egg.

Guest Post HEN & CHICK: The Marauders’ Island

HENandCHICKcoverPlease wlecome Tristan Tarwater to my blog today, who is sharing a guest post about writing series and serials.

Guest Post: Serials

In my neverending quest to try new things and also make things hard for myself, I decided to release HEN & CHICK: The Marauders’ Island as a serial online. For about a year, I released one episode/chapter a month for an exclusive audience, first through Patreon and then through Gumroad Memberships.

I am a big fan of mini-series, Netflix and shows on E4 like Humans, The Aliens, Peaky Blinders, which have shorter seasons but definite story arcs and endings within a much bigger narrative. While the story of our mage Azria is ongoing and there is still much of the world of Mun for her to explore, I definitely wanted to have definite endings to larger plot lines. Having definite end points and goals gave me something to write towards, which kept the plot moving. With a quick turnaround of a month, knowing what it all lead to helped me trim the fat and kept me focused. Planning larger arcs with the end goal of a trilogy helped remind me to drop hints to keep Azria barreling towards the problems and adventures of the next two books. I wanted to serialize a story for several reasons, but the process of writing and finishing a concise but compelling episode really helped me shake off and hone some of my habits as a writer.

Some writers have daily goals for getting their prose wordcount in; I used to try to adhere to this, at 1,000 words a day but would beat myself up when I didn’t hit it. Writing and editing an episode a month was a decent sized goal that incorporated a lot of the different things writers have to do: not only writing but editing, writing promo for it (can’t just dump it in the inbox! You have to write a little something something for your wonderful readers!), writing a bit of a blurb, doing promotion for it. It left me time to work on other projects as well. Sometimes I would write short stories about the other characters in the book or work on different projects entirely. Having an episode done in a month was a small but mighty accomplishment which kept me working towards more!

In HEN & CHICK: The Marauders’ Island, Azria’s first quest in finding a long lost treasure is completed. In her second adventure she faces more challenges, more dangerous and more personal than before. Azria has learned a lot as a mage and a crew member of the ship, The Hen & Chick and I’ve learned quite a bit as a writer! Are we both up to the challenges facing us? I guess we’ll find out one month at a time!

About the Book

Azria, a mage of Miz, is the key to revealing a long lost treasure trove: at least that’s what her mother, alleged pirate Captain Apzana says. Generations ago, THE MARAUDERS’ ISLAND was sunk by the greatest mage in Mizian history, Iyzani, as an act of war and revenge. If Azria can undo the magic of powerful mages who came before her, a vast treasure will be theirs for the taking. But more mysteries than riches surface as Azria approaches a part of Miz’ history meant to remain drowned by the waves. Those who would stop her warn her: reveal the past and destroy the lives of mages forever. Azria must decide if she will be the daughter her mother needs or protect her homeland’s secret.
HEN & CHICK: The Marauders’ Island is a swashbuckling fantasy story, where a wizard of immense talent and legacy must find her own place in the World of Mun. The power to control the elements is trumped by long grudges, old lies, and personal desires. Magic is for the bold, and surviving the ambitions of the powerful isn’t for the feint of heart.
A fantasy tale laced with magic, salt and coconut wine! 

Buy the book on Amazon.

Book Tours: Guest Post In Shadows Waiting


I’m hosting a guest post today by Stewart Bint, author of paranormal horror “In Shadows Waiting”. Enjoy the guest post! I’ll leave the word to Stewart now.

Why I Write Horror

My two genres, horror and science fiction both represent the unknown, and it’s that fear of the unknown that sends a tingle down most people’s spines.

With horror, my personal preference is not for constant blood and gore with a clearly defined protagonist creating mayhem, but a slowly developing menace and unease. And it’s even better, in my opinion, when the reader can closely identify with the character. Especially when they are ordinary people in ordinary situations.

What could be more idyllic than the summer facing my young hero, Simon Reynolds, in In Shadows Waiting? So imagine the impish glee that ran amok from my soul when I set the chain of events into motion that tapped into his family’s basic fears.

Firstly, the unease of thinking they may be targeted by burglars. How basic is that fear? The fear of your home being invaded? I want my readers to experience that fear and unease – only through my book of course, not in real life!

Then I positively love making my readers squirm as my characters’ unease turns to fear and fear turns to horror.

I suppose what I’m really saying with all this is that I write horror because I just love putting my characters through hell (does that make me a bad person?). And I get such a buzz when readers tell me how my writing affects them.

DM Cain – author of The Phoenix Project and A Chronicle Of Chaos – had this to say about In Shadows Waiting: WI love a good creepy horror story and this one had me jumping at every noise and shadow.”

Yes! Exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Maybe writing horror is my way of compensating for not being able to pursue my first career choice. My careers teacher at school was having none of it when I said I wanted to be an assassin.

About The Book

in-shadows-waiting-by-stewart-bintTitle: In Shadows Waiting

Author: Stewart Bint

Genre: Paranormal, Horror

Young Simon Reynolds lives a bucolic life at his family home, White Pastures, surrounded by a loving family and a charming community. Simon finishes his A levels and looks forward to unwinding while his sisters work on their tans.

Meanwhile the tiny community of Meriton has been plagued by a spate of burglaries, and White Pastures seems to be next. A shadowy figure stalks the house, but the police can find no signs of an intruder.

Inspired by the author’s real-life experience with the supernatural, In Shadows Waiting recounts a summer that changes the Reynolds’ lives forever. As the summer progresses, the shadows take on an altogether more sinister implication, and White Pastures begins to reveal a terrifying secret.

The epicenter of an event that has scarred an entire community, White Pastures grows more and more dark, possessed by a shadow that yearns, a shadow that will not be denied. At White Pastures, someone will die — but love never will.

Author Bio

Stewart Bint is a novelist, magazine columnist and PR writer. He lives with his wife Sue in Leicestershire in the UK, and has two children, Christopher and Charlotte. As a member of a local barefoot hiking group, when not writing he can often be found hiking barefoot on woodland trails.




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Book Tours: Guest Post for To The Breaking Pointe Tour

To the Breaking Pointe banner

I’m hosting a guest post for the book tour for ‘To The Breaking Pointe”. Enjoy the guest post.


Hey writing is a tough business! Whether you write mysteries, suspense, romance, or thrillers it is hard to stand out in the crowd, and you definitely want to stand out in the right way.

I’ve talked to so many writers who tell me that they struggle with or perhaps even shy away from love scenes. Truth is many writers avoid it at all costs because they feel awkward or lack the confidence to write so intimately.  So with the timid writer in mind, I’ve compiled a list of ten quick suggestions to help you throw your inhibitions aside and write a good love scene.

1.      Define your comfort zone: What are you comfortable reading/writing?

Not everyone (authors or readers) are comfortable with such strong scenes as those that E L James penned for Christian Grey’s “playroom”. Perhaps you are more at ease writing suggestive scenes: your characters touch, feel, explore, but you will only take the reader to the bedroom—not between the sheets, and that’s okay. When I began writing the Unbridled Series in 2005 suggestive scenes was where my comfort zone lived—I have since tossed some of my inhibitions aside to go farther with the First Force series, yet I’m still not as bold as some romance writers.

If you struggle with the idea of writing intimate scenes then you should take care to start slowly and build up. If you start out writing beyond your comfort level your scenes will reflect your unease, so its best not to force a scene that you are simply not prepared to illustrate.

2.      Write for yourself, not your family, friends, or your pastor.

As I’ve said in past blogs, I have very conservative in-laws—they are simply uncomfortable with the subject matter of my books in general. That said I write love scenes that are explicit and yet tasteful. Some writers are concerned that their minister or church members will frown upon sexual scenes in their books. Hmmmm, then why are they reading your books? I’ve noticed that if I don’t bring up my books at church neither does anyone else—although I do have fellow parishioners who will approach me to tell me how much they enjoy my books—they never mention the love scenes—for whatever reason. ;}

3.      Make sure the cover of your book matches the story inside.

The cover is so important to the marketing of your book. If your storyline is really smokin’ hot, then definitely put that erotic half-dressed couple immersed in a sensual kiss on your cover. If your storyline is more on the suggestive side—find something a little less provocative for your cover. You don’t want to promise something that you don’t deliver because then you could possibly upset two groups of readers: those who are expecting and looking forward to more than you are giving, or readers who are not comfortable at all with sexual scenes. The wrong cover can ultimately turn both sets of readers away from your books permanently. So make sure your cover sends the right message.

4.      Heat it up! Sexual tension adds sooo much to the storyline.

Build the sexual tension between your characters from the very first moment they meet. The hero is bound and determined to win her heart, but the heroine isn’t exactly ready to give it—make him work to win her over and for that first kiss to be scorching hot. Sexual tension isn’t exclusive to those who write love scenes. You can use sexual tension even in the most innocent of books where an author doesn’t go any farther than that kiss.

5.  Develop your characters well before tossing them into bed.

Your audience will find the story more believable and sensual if you have taken the time and effort to develop your characters before that hot love scene. Readers want to know that the love scene is right—that the hero and heroine are meant to be. Tossing them into bed before developing their relationship and personalities will leave the reader feeling cheated, and your carefully penned love scene could fall flat.

5.      One POV please!

Only reveal one character’s POV during the love scene. Alternating thoughts, feelings, or sensual sensations from one character to the other during a love scene can confuse or frustrate the reader. Allow your reader to experience the sensual encounter through one character’s POV only.

6.      Use subtext.

What’s subtext? Subtext is when a character says something without coming right out and saying it. Example: He leaned across the table, his hot gaze burning into hers. “You know I just love caramels.” He whispered, “I can’t help myself, I always end up eating the whole bag.”

7.      Whoa! Watch those descriptions!

Most recently I began to read a book that actually started out with what the author considered a “hot” love scene. I put the book aside by page sixteen and haven’t picked it up since. Why? Because the author was using car parts to describe body parts. Can you guess what the gearshift was? Yep. Please, keep your automotive paraphernalia where it belongs—in the garage.

I had one author tell me that he liked to refer to the woman’s most intimate area as a… wait for it… “honey hole”. E-gads!! One must be careful as to how to describe intimate body parts or it completely destroys the experience for the reader.

8.      Use the senses.

Absolutely! Touch, taste, and smell—candles burning, the shadows dancing about the room, the smell of his skin, the gentle caresses over smooth silky flesh, and the taste of the wine still lingering on their lips. These descriptions (if done correctly and compassionately) will deepen the readers experience by drawing them into the moment.

9.      Make sure it fits!

The scene I mean. Don’t write a love/sex scene just to do it—make sure the scene moves the story forward. The characters should share something during the scene: a deeper sense of their relationship, a secret can be revealed, or information that you have not shared with the reader can come forth during or as a result of the scene, but make the scene count. Love/sex scenes that are thrown into the story for no apparent reason are annoying, and yes your readers will notice!

So there you have it…some simple ideas to help you write a love scene. Here’s one more: read love scenes. The more you read love scenes the more you will learn how to write them—it’s really that simple. What did you like about the love scene that you just read? What didn’t you like? Learn from those who do it well.

About the Author

Cindy McDonaldFor twenty-six years Cindy’s life whirled around a song and a dance: she was a professional dancer/choreographer for most of her adult life and never gave much thought to a writing career until 2005. She often notes: Don’t ask me what happened, but suddenly I felt drawn to my computer to write about things I have experienced (greatly exaggerated upon of course—I’ve never been murdered!) with my husband’s Thoroughbreds and happenings at the racetrack. Viola! Cindy’s first book series, Unbridled, was born—there are four books to that series so far.

Cindy is a huge fan of romantic suspense series, and although she isn’t one to make New Year’s resolutions, on New Year’s Day 2013 she made a commitment to write one, Into the Crossfire is the first book for her new series, First Force.

People are always asking Cindy: do you miss dance? With a bitter sweet smile on her lips she tells them: Sometimes I do. I miss my students. I miss choreographing musicals, but I love my books, and I love sharing them with you.

Her latest book is the romantic suspense, To the Breaking Pointe.

For More Information


About the Book

To the Breaking Pointe 2Pushed to the breaking pointe!

Five years ago First Force operative, Grant Ketchum, let the ballerina of his dreams dance right of his life. Silja Ramsay returned to her birthplace, Russia, to take the position of principal dancer for the Novikov Ballet Company.

The owner and director of the ballet company, Natalia Novikov, has a dark secret: her beloved ballet company is almost broke. Natalia forces her dancers to prostitute themselves to financial contributors at exclusive after-show parties. Silja has been exempt and kept in the dark about the parties—until an American financier offers to bail the failing ballet company out. His prerequisite: Silja must become his personal companion, live in his home, and fulfill his every desire. Against her will, Silja is taken to the American’s mansion, but before she goes she manages to send a text to the only man who can save her, Grant: HELP!

Now Grant is on a mission to find his lost ballerina and rescue her from this powerful man’s subjugation. He will do anything to get her out alive. If they survive, will he let her chasse out of his life again?

For More Information

  • To the Breaking Pointe is available at Amazon.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Book Tours: Guest Post for Twice Lost


I’m hosting a guest post today for the book tour for “Twice Lost”. I hope you enjoy the post.

Character Guest Post: Jenna Thanatos

Hey, my name is Jenna and up until a few weeks ago I thought I was just like you. Going through life trying to make the most of it. I enjoyed adventure and I would consider myself an all-around fun kind of woman. I had packed up my bags and moved up to Maine with my boyfriend Kyle about a year ago. Well let me tell you he really opened up my kinky side, not that it was ever hidden very far under the surface.

Then, he was murdered, and my entire life was turned upside down. See as it turned out, the men who killed him, were actually looking for me. Apparently I’m part of some prophecy foretelling the coming of a female Harbinger of Death. Me! A Harbinger of Death, I cried for three hours once when I hit a squirrel with my car, how is it that I’m now someone who takes a soul to hell.

So there I was stranded in the woods with a dead boyfriend and two men still hunting me. And as if my night couldn’t get any worse, I end up changing into some ghoulish monster, getting tranquilized and stuffed into a concrete box to be transported to go god only knows where. I’ll tell you, I’ve had some bad dates before but this one really tops the charts.

Anyway, Tim who also happens to be a Harbinger of Death had been staking out the place and rescued me from a fate I don’t even want to think about. He got the lovely job of explaining to me that my life was never going to be the same form that point on. I was what those men were looking for a myth, a legend the only female Harbinger to ever exist. No pressure right.

How does that happen? One day you’re human and the next you’re some immortal monster who takes the souls of the most evil and despicable humans to hell. Frankly I’m still trying to adjust, unfortunately without my knight in shiny black wings, who ended up trading his safety for mine. Who could fault a guy for that right?

But lucky for me I’m not exactly alone. Turns out Harbingers have friends, who would have guessed. So right now with the help of Tye who is… well, I’m not actually sure what Tye is. Aside from a six foot five pain in my ass. We don’t always see eye to eye on my training, he tends to treat me somewhere between the baby sister her never had and the dog he couldn’t get to obey him. It’s really a love hate type of relationship we have. Don’t get me wrong he would lay down his life to protect me, even if it’s from myself.

But he’s teaching me how to adjust to my new body, which now consists of wings, claws and horns. My fighting skills which I desperately need if I’m going to join these boys on a rescue mission to get Tim has been left in the very capable hands of Gabriel.

When I first met Gabe he was an arrogant playboy who thought that he was God’s gift to women kind, okay so he sort of is. Six foot six, cocoa skin and eyes the color of the Caribbean Sea. Who could blame me for falling head over wings for him? He’s…he’s something I never expected to find. Sure he’s an amazing lover who I’m pretty sure gets more turned on when I’m in total monster mode but he’s also my biggest protector. They say you never find love if you’re looking for it. Then it walks in to door and you’re just done for. I wasn’t looking for him but now that I have him, I’m never letting go.

Now… well now the three of us are going to go rescue Tim, save the world. You know, all in a day’s work.

Guest Post: Jennifer Field

Thank you for joining me on this Blog Tour. The entire experience of writing Twice Lost has been a complete whirlwind journey. About two years ago I basically woke up one morning after having a crazy dream and decided to start to write a book. I know, crazy.

It wasn’t one of these lifelong dreams that I needed to fulfill. It was something I wanted to do to really see if I could. I’m like that with a lot of things. I’d say the journey really started about five years ago in the beginning of 2010. I decided that I wanted to read a hundred books in one year. Now for me, that’s a lot of books. I also needed to find the time to read. So I read nightly on my elliptical as I worked out. I found that my favorite books where Paranormal and if they had sex in them, even better. They made working out go by quick.

So there I was, reading books and getting into shape and by December of 2010 I had 104 books under my belt. I guess like so many people I said. “I could do this, I could write a book.” Now don’t get me wrong. Twice Lost wasn’t my first attempt at writing a book. NO, far from it. I attempted to write romance, thriller, steampunk. You name it, I bet I have a partial story written in that genre.

Then I figured, why not write what I like to read. Essentially writing the book not for an audience, but for me. So I started telling the story of my crazy dream. Which by the way, is nothing like the final story, but it gave me a start. First there was one word then a thousand then five-thousand. But even more important than my word cound, I found that I loved creating a story. It was like wondering what my favorite characters were going to do next, and then being able to make it happen.

One of the struggles I’ve had with writing is that I am hands down the worst speller on the face of the planet and my grammar and punctuation aren’t far behind. But I figured those things shouldn’t stop me from writing. It just meant that I needed to find an amazing editor. Which by the way I did. Everyone should send her flowers and thank her.

I like to share those facts with people who love books because like me I think if you love to read at some point you’re going to say…”I should write a book.” And you shouldn’t feel that something like poor spelling should hold you back. If you want to write, by all means do it. You’ll just need to accept that your spelling is poor and know that spell-check will make it worse. But an editor, is worth their weight in gold. It’s like safe sex, don’t have sex without a condom. Safe writing, don’t publish without an editor.

So, now I have the first book in what will be the Harbinger Series written and published. I am about a quarter of the way done with book two Twice Visited which is going to continue the journey of the characters you’re going to come to love and some you will grow to hate. We are hoping to have a release date of September 2015 for book two and in-between I’ll be putting out three novella length stories within the Harbinger Series.

About Twice Lost

Twice-Lost-21-200x300Title: Twice Lost
Author: Jennifer Field
Publisher: Forever Red Publishing, LLC
Pages: 379
Genre: Paranormal Erotica
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Jenna Thanatos is discovering that life isn’t what it always seems. Just an ordinary girl with a healthy sexual appetite, she soon learns there are such things that “go bump in the night” and she’s one of them. Can she accept who she really is? Can she save the sexy men in her life and herself before it’s too late? Join Jenna on her life altering journey and learn what it’s like to be a Harbinger.

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About the Author

Jennifer FieldJennifer lives in Massachusetts and works full-time in the Bridal Industry. With a daytime job surrounded by simple romance, it is her love for adventure that makes her who she is. She has a love for all things 80’s and has a very mild Diet Coke addiction. As an avid mountain climber, it is not unusual for Jennifer to be hanging off a 5.9 in the Adirondacks or the Shawangunk Mountain ranges. During the off season of climbing, also known as winter, she attends the New England Center for Circus Arts where she studies static trapeze (think Cirque rather than circus). She is an only child so she has her mother to thank for her over active imagination and knack for storytelling. Over the years she has written several short stories of the “naughty” nature for friends but  never had envisioned herself as a writer; Just someone who enjoyed telling a steamy story from time to time. Throughout school she had difficulty with spelling and English, but it never stopped her love for reading, especially a good romance, horror or mystery! To this day she still spells so poorly that even spell check has to ask what the heck she is trying to spell.

Her latest book is the paranormal erotica, Twice Lost.

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Book Tours: Guest Post for The Moonflower

Moonflower 2I’m hosting a guest post today for the book tour for The Moonflower. I’ll leave the word to the author now. Enjoy.

Your Invisible Friend: Intuition

By Tara Edin

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” –Steve Jobs

Intuition is not as woo-woo as some may think. We all have it but not all are attuned to it. In fact, intuition is just as natural as breathing. It is always there, whether we are aware of it or not. When I was growing up, I was intuitively sensitive, but was taught that if something didn’t make logical sense, then it simply was not real. As I began to spiritually open up in my 30’s, I was relieved to reunite with the unspoken truth I had known my entire life. The answers to all of our questions–profound or simple–lie within our own heart and spirit. Yes, we have all the answers! We hear this over and over in movies and stories because it is a universal truth. Sometimes it takes time for our conscious minds to catch up to our intuitive leads, but the answers are always there. The heart and spirit make us who we are at our very core. They are the unseen aspects that often lie dormant until the ego and rational mind learn to work together in a more balanced relationship with our intuitive self.

Life is full of joys, challenges and mysteries. Intuition can assist us in navigating through life with faith, trusting we already possess everything we need to live a beautiful life even if all of the details are not yet in place. We can let go of trying to make sense of the small stuff or controlling the outcomes, which opens the way for divine guidance to enter. The Universe supports us and works in concert with our deeper self, which knows what is best for us even before our rational mind has a clue. When we are connected to our intuitive self, we receive these clues more readily. By simply trusting, we allow magic, miracles, and synchronicities to abundantly bless our lives.

A couple of ways to align your intuitive self with your cognitive self are through regular mediation and positive affirmations. Both allow us to tap into subconscious waters while acknowledging our conscious mind. You will begin to see, hear, feel, and know more acutely.

Some may say I’m a dreamer, random, or irrational for following my heart. However, the freedom in trusting myself is of more value to me than are others’ opinions. Of course, we are social beings and do care what others’ think of us, but we must not let that quiet our voices or deter our paths. After all, there will be as many opinions as there are people, and we were born with one heart and one spirit for a reason. We must be true to ourselves no matter how crazy it may seem to those around us. And when the miracles start happening, simply smile and thank your invisible ally!

About the Author

Tara is an incest, rape and sexual assault survivor, a teacher, a wife, a mother, a Reiki master, and an author.

As a rape and sexual assault survivor, who struggled for many years, yet came out on the bright side, one of Tara’s goals is to help fellow survivors feel less alone, less crazy, and more inspired.

Tara spent much of her life feeling “wrong” and being quiet due to some very tough circumstances that shook her to the core. After a spiritual awakening on one of her darkest nights, Tara began to embrace her own power to transform past trials into dreams come true.

Writing her story has helped Tara retrieve her voice and find additional creative outlets. Publishing her book has simply made her story available to those who may benefit from it.

These days, Tara puts most of her energy into raising her two children, enhancing her creative life, and living her best life ever. But because she is a Survivor, Tara will always walk a healing path—healing for herself and for others.

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About the Book

Blooming was her Birthright. Darkness the Unexpected Catalyst.

Tara is an incest, rape and sexual abuse survivor, who suffered from PTSD for many years but was misdiagnosed with mental illnesses instead. This took her down a near-fatal path ultimately ending in an accident, which nearly claimed her life at age 29. Most only know the abridged version of the story, yet the real story holds many truths and miracles that must be shared. With a second lease on life, Tara faces the sexual abuse and betrayal from her younger years with support from a compassionate zen therapist. Tara begins to recreate her life with a new spirituality that feeds her soul and encompasses her painful past, giving life to the love that has always been her birthright. With lucid prose and powerful poetry, Tara details her soul’s transformation from darkness to light, offering her readers the gifts of honesty, empathy, and empowerment.

Moonflower is Part Memoir, Part Self-Help & Part Spiritual Odyssey.

Rape, incest and sexual assault are unspoken controversial topics that still fester behind closed doors in the 21st century as survivors are still being told to “Get over it,” or worse, “It didn’t even happen.” It takes years to heal from such life-altering, traumatic experiences, and many survivors are doing this work alone. There is a great need for testimonies from those who have emerged from their ordeals stronger.

This revealing story uncovers the aftermath of abuse that often leads to unstable relationships, repeated abuse, and mental or physical disease. Although Moonflower covers difficult topics such as emotional and sexual abuse, the author sifts through these experiences to offer her readers the gifts and lessons that can be drawn from such setbacks.

There is no cookie-cutter journey to healing, but there is great power in sharing our stories. Moonflower exhibits the power of the self and spirit in the healing process. It stretches beyond what may be considered a “normal” path and braves a non-traditional spiritual road to wellness, inspiring others to broaden their perspectives of the healing experience. Readers will be inspired by Tara’s fiery spirit and deep reflective soul, cheering her on as she finds her way back to herself.

For More Information

  • Moonflower: A Memoir of Healing is available at Amazon.
  • Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
  • Watch the book trailer at YouTube.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Book Tours: Guest Post The Gifted

The Gifted 7I’m hosting a guest post today for “The Gifted” about making the world a better place. Enjoy the guest post.

Making the World a Better Place

By Daphne Michaels

I have always strived to live by the age-old wisdom that we must come together to make the world a better place – that anything we can do to help the world and those who live in it is not just “nice,” but mandatory. I believe that we must each give in our own way and to the best of our ability. We must support one another in being the best we can be so that we can offer our best to the world. As a writer, I am most grateful for those who have supported me in being my best and offering my best to the world.

While it been said that it takes a village to raise a child — and as a mother I know this is true — as it turns out, it also takes a village to do just about anything meaningful in life. Becoming a published author is no exception. From friends and associates who offer moral support to finding the right people to help with editing, publishing, marketing and promotion, I have learned that it takes a small village to be a writer — especially one with a message.

Making the world a better place through written messages takes a village — and why shouldn’t it? What I have learned most through writing my new book, The Gifted: How to Live the Life of Your Dreams is that all messages that make the world a better place are shared messages held by the heart of a village. In my case this includes my friends, supporters, editor, book designers, marketing gurus, publishing wizard, publicity angels and readers. The magic and buzz comes from the village … from each and every person saying “yes” to the message and offering their best to let it be heard.

About the Author

Daphne Michaels is an author, speaker and licensed psychotherapist whose institute has helped hundreds of women and men transform their lives through the “gifts” every human being is born with. Daphne began her own journey of transformation at a young age, pursued it fearlessly, and later studied formally in the fields of social science, human services and integral psychology. The Gifted: How to Live the Life of Your Dreams launches both Daphne Michaels Books and The Gifted series, whose goal it is to share with the widest audience possible the principles that guide the Daphne Michaels Institute. Daphne’s earlier book, Light of Our Times, featured her conversations with such international figures in the fields of spirituality and personal development as Ram Dass, Julia Cameron, Dr. Masaru Emoto, and Thomas Moore.

Visit her website at

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About the Book

In The Gifted: How to Live the Life of Your Dreams author, speaker and licensed psychotherapist Daphne Michaels celebrates the nine gifts that are our birthright, guiding readers in how to recognize and use them to transform their lives.  In her author’s preface, Michaels reveals how her own journey of life transformation began when she was young and realized that human existence wore two conflicting faces–one of love and joy, and one of fear and despair. She decided then to commit her life to reconciling these two visions because she knew that, irreconcilable though they seemed, together these two faces held the secret to living a life of endless possibility and authentic happiness. Her personal journey and formal education in social science, human services and integral psychology led to the founding of the Daphne Michaels Institute, which has helped hundreds of men and women design the lives of their dreams.

In The Gifted Michaels shows us that the first three “gifts” we must recognize and embrace within us if we are to re-design our lives are Awareness, Potential and Stillness. These three allow us to identify and use the remaining six with a life-changing power:  Disharmony, Harmony, Ease, Clarity, Freedom and Engagement.  Each of these six relies on the “essential three” for its own power to change our lives, and each has its own gifts–its “children.” By approaching the nine gifts with real-world metaphors, Michaels answers in easily understood ways what for many readers have been lingering questions about personal transformation—such as how it works, what kind of commitment it takes, and why, if we’re committed, real transformation becomes inevitable—and addresses obstacles that readers may have encountered in the past in trying to reach in life a happiness every human deserves.

While the human universe’s face of love is celebrated in The Gifted, so is the face of fear that haunted a young girl decades ago. As Michaels shows us in her book, even Disharmony—the “quagmire” of life born of the human ego’s fear, defenses, delusions and despair—is a gift, too, and one as important as the others if we know how to see it clearly and use it. Once we understand Disharmony, we are ready to understand the real purpose of Harmony in our lives. Disharmony does not need to rule us.  It is ours to use as we design the lives of our dreams.

The final gift in The Gifted, Michaels tells us, is the gift of Engagement. Engagement—with the universe and with ourselves—allows us to use all of the other gifts with more power and joy than we ever imagined possible.

That mountaintop decision never left me. It drove my life’s work and over the years led me to understand that there are gifts – nine of them, in fact – that we are all born with but rarely experience in their full glory and potential. These gifts – which make each and every one of us “The Gifted” of this book’s title – are the keys to living lives of endless possibilities and, in turn, achieving an authentic happiness that cannot be lost. They are, in other words, the keys to achieving the life of our dreams.

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Book Tours: Guest Post The Landfill

The Landfill banner

I’m hosting a guest post today for “The Landfill”, a YA dark fiction / horror novel by author Kevin Hopson. I’ll leave the word to Kevin now.

Ten Things You Might Not Know About “The Landfill”

1. The main character, Billy, is named after a friend of mine who is battling cancer. I dedicated my prior book, Broken Family, to him.

2. Billy’s friend, Connor, is the name of my nephew.

3. I won’t give away the details, but the idea for The Landfill was inspired by an episode of Haunted Collector.

4. The setting is based on an area close to where I live. The river, landfill, etc., are things I see on a regular basis. It’s the reason I named this story The Landfill.

5. Billy is very much like me in the sense we’re both adventurous and the two of us have experienced significant losses in our lives.

6. I initially struggled with the ending. I couldn’t decide between a happy resolution or a tragic finale. I guess you’ll have to see what happens.

7. The Landfill is my seventh book with MuseItUp Publishing, but it is the first time I have written a story aimed at young adults (though I believe anyone who likes dark fiction can get into it).

8. The Landfill is also the first time I’ve worked with a new line/copy editor. I worked with Penny Ehrenkranz, who recently retired, for the first six books, but I have to say that Shawn Arntson did a bang-up job with this one.

9. I always associate the song “Shelf in the Room” by Days of the New with this book. I happened to hear it one day when I was writing, and I even drew some inspiration from the boy in the video.

10. Even though they’re in high school, I pictured Billy and Connor walking down the hallway of my old middle school in the opening scene.

About the Author

PKevin Hopsonrior to hitting the fiction scene in 2009, Kevin Hopson was a freelance writer for several years, covering everything from finance to sports. His debut work, World of Ash, was released by MuseItUp Publishing in the fall of 2010. Kevin has released several other books through MuseItUp since then, and he has also been published in various magazines and anthology books. Kevin’s writing covers many genres, including dark fiction and horror, science fiction, and crime fiction.

His latest book is The Landfill.

You can visit Kevin’s blog at

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About the Book:

The Landfill 7Billy, a high school senior, has lost a lot in the past year, including his younger sister, Sara. Billy lacks excitement and purpose in life until his curiosity takes him and his best friend, Connor, to an old, abandoned landfill along the river. Connor would rather forget the experience, but Billy can’t help but feel invigorated by their findings. Taking it upon himself to uncover the mystery, Billy finds his life coming full circle – but is that a good or bad thing?

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