Title: Seven Sundays to Sweet Inner Serenity
Author: LeNae Goolsby
Genre: Nonfiction (Body, Mind & Spirit)
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
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Seven Sundays to Sweet Inner Serenity provides an experiential journey where mental and emotional vibrations rise and conscious awareness expands. Personal power is reclaimed and peace restored with each chapter and each sweet serenity tip.
Have you ever wanted to feel at peace? I’m sure nearly everyone has, but it’s a lot more difficult than it sounds, isn’t it? Well, Seven Sundays to Sweet Inner Serenity provides helpful tips and tricks to accomplish a peaceful, serene state of mind. Author LeNae Goolsby shares her own journey and her own experience that she went through to expand her conscious awareness and reclaim her personal power.
At 58 pages in EPUB format, the book is a quick read, yet one that will change your outlook and perspective when you read it. Each chapter focuses on a sunday, from sunday one to sunday seven, and is filled with helpful experiences and tips on how to reclaim your personal power and restore peace within your own mind.