Title: The Shadow of the Unicorn II: The Deception
Author: Suzanne de Montigny
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy / Tween Fantasy
Age Group: Middle Grade
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon & MuseItUp Publishing
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Ulysees’ breath was ragged, and his heart filled with terror when they galloped toward the herd pursued by an enraged Icarus.
How did the Legacy of Azaria transform into the world fear it has, the unicorns barely existing hidden in the depths of the forest? Why is Icharus, the Great Stallion, so cruel and ruthless? And who is Jaresh, the invisible being who takes away their powers? Angry, the young colt Ulysees and his friend Téo rebel, following an abandoned trail where they’re discovered by humans. Now the entire herd must make an exodus. But Ulysees discovers there’s more danger then just humans when he meets a giant creature who warns them of impending doom…
The Shadow of the Unicorn II: The Deception is an imaginative, fun read for middle graders and tweens. I haven’t read the first book, but I didn’t have to in order to understand this one. So first, I’ve never read a book featuring unicorns before, but I love horses, so I wanted to give this one a shot. Writing from the point of view of unicorns can’t be easy. Even just anatomically, horses differ a lot from humans. They do feel the same things though, at least in this book: loyalty, friendship, sadness. The book is told from the POV of Ulysees, a young colt growing into adulthood. The world is afraid of unicorns, so they must live in a secret hideout. But when Ulysees and his best friend Téo follow an abandoned trail and are discovered by humans, the entire herd must make a run for it, afraid of getting discovered by the humans.
I liked all characters, but in particular Ulysees. Icharus was interesting too – he thought the younger unicorns a lot, and though he might be ruthless, it was interesting to find out why. The unicorn’s skills are unique too. Obviously the author has an impressive imagination.
This book was totally unpredictable, and with such amazing and original main cast, it’s a great read for middle graders. The book has a positive message too, and I was glad not all humans turned out to be villains, although it was fun to see humans in the roles of villains for once.