Book Tours: Book Excerpt from Hot Spring


I’m happy to host an excerpt today from Hot Spring. Please read on for the excerpt and a chance to win a copy of Hot Spring!

Excerpt: A guest receives an official welcome

The dark windows lit up as the train emerged from the tunnel. I moved to the window seat, attracted by the breathtaking view. The track was now elevated, so the train seemed to be flying across the bright blue sky. A marble-white station came into view, and it was decorated with large statues of curly-haired naked men making a variety of masculine poses. The cylindrical columns of the station were even larger than the statues. Next to the station was an immense tower made of various metals and shiny glass panes. The entire complex floated in the sky, and some of the higher levels were partially obscured by thick white clouds. I even managed to spot men with brilliant white wings flying up to the higher levels.

The train finally stopped. I am greeted by a three men with neat bald patches and thick dark brown robes. Their leader, who introduced himself briefly as Francis, had a very calming disposition. I presented my documents and followed these officials out of the station.

The main entrance to the large tower was guarded by more winged men standing by the sides. The guards had hair of different colors, and were extremely muscular. Many had square jaws, thick necks and big biceps. Their uniforms were golden and they carried black metallic objects with tube-like protrusions. Crowds of ordinary-looking people were noisily climbing up the seemingly endless flight of stairs. Above the stairs was a large plasma screen with the words “WELCOME TO PARADISE” in bright red font.

However, Francis led us into a small alley away from the crowd. The elevator door opened after Francis made a swipe with his pass-card. Soon we arrived at his high office, and Francis dismissed his two assistants.  His office consisted of a wooden chair and desk, with pictures of animals and a flower vase. It could probably receive about three to four guests. The overall furnishing scheme was in earth tones that matched the robe Francis was wearing. The office gave me a pleasant feeling.

Francis had a presence about him that was clearly different from the thick-necked winged men I passed earlier. He seemed to be always ready to receive people, and he clearly had an eye for his surroundings. After settling me down, he spoke,  “As the Foreign Minister, I am pleased to welcome you here. We have heard of your unique talents and hope you will enjoy your time with us. The earliest possible appointment with His Great Greatness will be tomorrow at 10 in the morning. May I suggest that you use the rest of the day to recover yourself from your long journey.”

“The rest time fills my being with gratitude.”

“Great. Let me show you your accommodation.”

To my pleasant surprise, a small room with a bed and a desk was present next to the office. The simple furnishings were easy on my eye.

“This is a nice room that will be easy to clean.  My gratitude is present.” I told Francis.

About Hot Spring

god-chuck-ebook-cover-webuse-lgeThe Wonderful Adventures of Godfrey and Chucky

Godfrey is young, wealthy and able-bodied. He has all the women you can imagine, and unbelievably deep pockets. But Godfrey wants more. His Great Greatness wants to rid the world of a menacing scourge, and restore what is truly superior to an elevated position. Why would anyone stop him? Who could possibly stop him?

Chucky arrives as the new assistant, and tries to perform every duty that is handed to him. What challenges for a dull servant! Look at him muddling through! With passports of exclusive privilege, the two adventurers make a splash in tropical Langkawi, where the water is blue and the girls are brown. Then they rendezvous with the locals in Singapore, where pleasures are plentiful and multicolored. Food and money are found in piles. Life in a global city should be, possibly, one of uninterrupted leisure…shouldn’t it?

Desire is a seductively red piece of jade, which resides even in our dreams.

“I am a healthy, strong and sexy male with a life, most of it sex life.” – Godfrey Mann

“I did not know how to reply, since the words were difficult to speak.” – Chucky

Author Bio

I committed myself to writing playful and profound books for discerning readers of good taste. I hope to give to my readers delightful characters in moving scenes that will help all of us to appreciate life better.

I have lived in parts of Asia, USA and Europe, so I hope to combine these diverse experiences to craft some great literature.



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If you can give an answer to one of the three questions below, you’ll be entered into a raffle for one of five eBook copies of Hot Spring. Please mail your replies to and put ‘Enchanted Book Promotions’ in your subject line.

If you can’t find your answer in the excerpt here, check out the other excerpts featured during the tour for an answer.

Godfrey and Chucky giveaway quiz
1. Chucky is Godfrey’s

  • a. Golf buddy
  • b. Temporary servant
  • c. Love interest
  • d. Page boy

2. What is Godfrey’s other name?

  • a. Godly
  • b. Goodness
  • c. Gawd
  • d. Godzilla

3. Where do Godfrey and Chucky stay in Singapore?

  • a. A Bed and Breakfast Inn called Geylang Eggs
  • b. A modern business hotel called Quickie Profits
  • c. A colonial style luxury hotel called the Raffles Hotel
  • d. A Chinese-themed luxury hotel called the Red Jade Palace Hotel

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