Title: The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden #2)
Author: Julie Kagawa
Genre: YA Dystopian, Paranormal Romance
Age Group: Young Adult
Rating: 5 stars
Purchase: Goodreads, Amazon, B&N
Review copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.
Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike.
Julie Kagawa does it again. I thought she couldn’t surpass the Iron Fey Series, then she gave me The Immortal Rules. I thought she couldn’t possibly surpass The Immortal Rules – she comes up with The Eternity Cure.
I have to admit I may be a little bit biased. The vampire blood relationships between vampire brothers and sisters has always been a dirty little secret of mine – all the way from back when I first read In The Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes I’ve been a fan of vampires sharing a blood mother or father falling for each other. I fell in love with one of the characters in that book, and now, roughly ten years later, Julie Kagawa presents a similar character. An evil vampire who’s not scared of killing whoever stands in his way, but who at the same time you can’t help but sort of like. Jackal. He was what really made this book for me. He’s unpredictable, fully aware of his vampiric nature and capable of acting on it. He does whatever he has to do to get whatever he wants. No sparkling vampires here, God no.
Jackal was a minor character in The Immortal Rules but here he really begins to shine. He’s manipulative but intelligent, has a sharp, nasty sense of humor I kind of like, and he’s strong-willed. He keeps on saying Allie and him are alike – even though it’s obvious they aren’t. They have some common characteristics, but Allie is still too much attached to her human side. However, that’s what I like about Allie. She doesn’t give up. She doesn’t let go. She hangs on with both hands, struggling to survive, to keep on loving, to keep on living. She’s not afraid in the face of danger – in fact she’s quite the oppositve, one of the bravest characters I’ve ever come across. She doesn’t do as much developing in this book as she did in the previous one, but there’s still a fair bit of character growth.
I don’t want to spoil this book for those pepole who haven’t gotten around to reading The Immortal Rules yet, but this book picks up several months after The Immortal Rules. Kanin is still being held hostage by psycho vamp Sarren, and Allie has sworn to save her sire. Sarren has a devilish plan to re-release Red Lung into the world, and Allie’s hometown, New Convington, is his testing ground. Allie and Jackal team up to get the cure to Rabidism and save Kanin, which leads them to the Inner City of New Convington and to the prince of the town, Salazar. But while fighting a way through the underground tunnels, Allie runs into someone she never expected to see, least of all here.
Like usual, Julie Kagawa delivers just the right amount of action, romance and adventure. I already mentioned in my review for The Immortal Rules that I thought the setting was brilliant, and she explores this world even more in The Eternity Cure. An excellent read for fans of vampires, dystopian novels or just kick-ass awesome books.
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