Book Review: Waking Up Dead by Margo Bond Collins Waking up Dead

Author: Margo Bond Collins

Genre: Paranormal Mystery

Rating: 4 stars

Purchase: Amazon

Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

When Dallas resident Callie Taylor died young, she expected to go to Heaven, or maybe Hell. Instead, she met her fate early thanks to a creep with a knife and a mommy complex. Now she’s witnessed another murder, and she’s not about to let this one go. She’s determined to help solve it before an innocent man goes to prison. And to answer the biggest question of all: why the hell did she wake up in Alabama?

Waking up Dead starts by introducing us to Callie Taylor who, for some bizarre reason, wakes up in Alabama instead of Heaven. Callie has been murdered in Dallas, so there’s no reason why she’d wake up here. Or is there? When she witnesses the murder of Molly, Callie starts to believe there might be a reason after all. Molly’s husband, Rick, is accused of the murder, but Callie knows it wasn’t Rick. She starts a quest to find a person who can communicate with her, one of the ‘sensitives’, and to unmask the true murderer and save Rick from life in prison.

She meets Ashara, a sensitive who can see her, but who has zero desire to help her. When she follows Ashara to her grandmother’s place, Maw-Maw tells her granddaughter to go help the spirit lady, which is exactly what she does. Along with the help of Stephen, another sensitive, they try to get to the bottom of the mystery. But when their own lives are endangered, Callie’s ghostly abilities may be the only thing capable of saving them.

Carrie was a lovely character. She was resilient, strong and intelligent. I thought it strange she went about her own dead rather lightly, but apart from that I found most of her actions and thoughts believable. Maw-Maw and Ashara acted a little stereotypical. Stephen was another great character, and I admired how much he was willing to do for his friend, Rick.

The story itself definitely had a lot of original elements, like Callie not seeing any other ghosts, and her ending up in a completely different city. The murder plot wasn’t that easy to solve either, and the mystery was actually rather complex.

I look forward to reading more of Callie’s adventures, and to figure out why exactly she woke up in Alabama. When the next book is released, I’m definitely going to read it.

An enjoyable paranormal mystery that is both complicated and intriguing.



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