Title: The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents
Genre: Parenting/Family & Relationshiops
Author: Randy Colton Rolfe
Publisher: iUniverse
Pages: 340
Language: English
Format: Ebook
“Throughout her seven secrets, Rolfe models how parenting can be the most fulfilling work of our lives.”
—Linda Aronson, author of Big Spirits, Little Bodies
Every parent has the innate power to be successful. But life can get in the way. It is hard to be at your best when you are tired, angry, rushed, surprised, preoccupied, or just too busy. But then you may have to deal with regret, frustration, or guilt, or a hurt or angry child.
In The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents, author and family therapist Randy Colton Rolfe shares the core attitudes which will prepare and empower you to be successful in any parenting situation. With her powerful approach of prepared, holistic, responsive parenting, you can master all these parenting goals and more:
• Setting appropriate limits that stick
• Promoting safe relationships
• Inspiring learning
• Nurturing your child’s spirit
• Rebuilding after negative feelings
• Fostering good judgment
• Venting parental frustration harmlessly
• Resisting unhelpful criticism from outsiders
• Encouraging your child to speak up with respect
• Enjoying your child totally, without reservation
In The Seven Secrets of Successful Parents you will discover new options, helpful case histories, amusing anecdotes, valuable research, dialogues, and meditations to help you raise happy, healthy, productive children. Watch your parenting success grow!
Randy Colton Rolfe has been counseling families for over 25 years. Author of four other books on family life, including You Can Postpone Anything But Love, she is an internationally known speaker and media personality. She and her husband have a son and a daughter and live in Pennsylvania and California. Visit Randy online at www.randyrolfe.com.
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