Title: Eclipse (The Third Book of Ascension)
Author: Dirk Strasser
Genre: Fantasy, Epic Fantasy
Age Group: Young Adult and up
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Can you see the story breathing?
What happens if after the winter solstice, the days keep getting shorter?
And shorter?
Until there is an eternal night?
What happens as the darkness grows?
And the creatures of dusk take control of the Mountain?
And the quest for the third Book is the only hope?
The Mountain is in its death throes as the Nazir send their wraiths to finish what the dusk-rats and grale had begun. Soon there will be no daylight to protect the Maelir and Faemir, and with each twilight there are fewer places to hide. Will the Mountain finally collapse under its own instability or will Atreu and Verlinden’s descent find the words of salvation in the Lost Book of Ascension?
Eclipse is the third and final installment in the Books of Ascension series, and it offers a satisfying ending to an interesting, thought-provoking series. Rather than going up the Mountain, this time around, Atreu, our main character, travels down. He’s miles away from the boy he was at the start of the series, and although enlightened, and with knowledge and power he never thought he had, he still has to complete one final task. Down below, at the foot of the mountain, the battle rages on, and the Nazir seem to be winning the battle, and it’s Atrue and Verlinden’s knowledge that may just save the world.
In a way, this book is a reversal of what happened in the first book. Rather than travelling up the mountain in search of enlightment, Atreu, now possessing knowledge he could’ve never imagined, travels down the mountain. He’s grown from a child into a man. Eclipse also gathers all loose threads and plot points into an epic finale that outshines the previous parts of the series in terms of complexity and epicness. The scales have never been higher, the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
With great writing, characters who go through such steady development readers can easily follow along on their journey, and an epic, engaging world, Dirk Strasser has weaved an intriguing fantasy series that is a must-read for all fans of epic fantasy.
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