Title: The Author Training Manual
Author: Nina Amir
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help
Rating: 3,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Pump up Your Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.
Anyone can publish a book and become an “author,” but if you want to become a successful author with a profitable publishing career, you need a clear, step-by-step guide to help you develop book ideas that sell. In “The Author Training Manual,” expert editor and book coach Nina Amir reveals the exact process successful authors have used to create business plans and proposals for their books and teaches you how to view your ideas through the eyes of acquisitions editors and literary agents.
Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, plan to traditionally publish or self-publish, “The Author Training Manual” provides you with the tools you need to achieve your goals and become the author publishers want. Inside you’ll find concrete steps, evaluations, sample business plans, in-depth training activities, editor and agent commentaries, and much more–all designed to help you stand out, from the slush pile to the shelf.
“Among the myriad of books written about the business of writing and publishing, Nina Amir’s “The Author Training Manual” is the first I’ve seen that combines all of the elements necessary to learn how to be an actual (rather than ‘aspiring’) writer.” – Brian Felsen, President, BookBaby
“”The Author Training Manual” teaches you to produce a business plan for your book and to evaluate that plan through the lens of acquisitions editors–essential knowledge for any aspiring author.” – Rick Frishman, best-selling author of the Author 101 series
“This excellent book is loaded with practical, proven techniques you can use continually to become a ‘high-earning’ author as well as a top seller.” – Brian Tracy, author of “Unlimited Sales Success”
Since I’m an author, I had to pick up The Author Training Manual for review. Even if one is already published, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing left to learn. The Author Training Manual helps authors come up with book proposals (which was useful since I had to write one for a publisher, and I’d never done that before) and uses the book proposal as a starting point to determine whether your manuscript is saleable or not, and if so, how you must market it.
The book is filled with solid tips and tricks, about how to get the right motivation of writing, how to market your book, and how to turn yourself from a writer into an author and launch your career. Nina Amir’s knowledge about the subject is substantial, and she brings it in a structured, well-researched way. The worksheets were my favorites – they were like some “call to action”, a reason not to just read the book, but to start implementing its advice.
While the advice in the book is great, the writing itself was a little dry at times. I struggled through the first chapters, because it took a while to get used to the writing style, which didn’t really lure me in. The interesting facts and pieces of advice make up for most of that though, but I felt the writing itself could’ve been better.
If you’re an author, or aspiring author, you should give this book a shot. It taught me a great deal, and I’m confident other authors will learn from it as well.
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