Title: This Could Have Been our Song! (Coulda Woulda Shoulda Song #1)
Author: Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba
Genre: Romance, Interracial Romance, Comedy
Age Group: Adult (18+)
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon Link | Smashwords | B&N
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Book one:
Love can be such a “coulda, woulda, shoulda” song sometimes…Lucia Mpobo-Riddell could have been a dancer like the rest of women of her family but instead she chose music. Marcus Grant could have been a doctor like the rest of his family but instead he chose music. She also could have not fallen for Marcus on her birthday but she did. And Marcus, he could have told Lucia the truth about his real reason for being in Toronto that night, but he didn’t. Now they have to deal with big reveals and consequences: Marcus almost stealing her job and being force to work on an album together. Marcus, because he couldn’t swallow his pride, leave Toronto and go home to London. Lucia, because she just couldn’t give up on her first amazing opportunity to produce a whole album. And to complicate the situation further, the band they’re working for is not the easiest one. Mary Gillis, Marcus’ on and off flame, still has a hold on him. Greg McMullen, Lucia’s close friend and former dance partner is back in town and has been in love with her for years. Then there’s Marcus and Lucia, in the middle of their own a professional and personal tug-of- war with each over and the rest of the world. But maybe things could still work out… All things considered, this could have been one heck of a love song!
This Could Have Been Our Song! is a book filled with heartbreak, love, family traditions and values, and characters struggling to break free from the destiny their families have in mind for them.
Lucia Mpobo-Riddell chose music over dancing, unlike all the other women in her family. Marcus Grant chose music instead of becoming a doctor like the majority of his family members. Both of them are running away from choices they do not want to make, and both of them long for a future of their own. But with Marcus almost stealing Lucia’s job, and the both of them forced to worked together, which causes tension for just about everyone. When a former dance partner of Lucia, who happens to be one of her best friends, and who has a crush on her, shows up back into town, this adds a new layer to an already complicated situation. But Marcus has girl troubles too, in the form of Mary Gillis, his on and off flame who he still can’t let go. And then there’s Marcus and Lucia, and their undeniable attraction.
Surprisingly complicated for a romance novel, with tons of layers, intriguing family issues, and set in the world of music and dancing. I connected with Lucia from the first page. She’s determined, intelligent, brave, and she knows what she wants – at least, in terms of her career. Marcus was a lot more difficult to understand. I didn’t get the whole on-and-off again thing with Mary. Marcus also has a big ego, which luckily deflated somewhat toward the end of the book. He wouldn’t be my choice, but I understand what some people see in him.
Fluent writing, an interesting spin on known romance tropes, and intriguing characters. Recommended to fans of romance and women’s fiction.
Thank you for the lovely review:)