Title: Spelled (Amethyst #1)
Author: Kate St. Clair
Genre: YA Paranormal
Age Group: Young Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Magic runs thicker than blood.
16-year-old Georgia Sayers may have just found out she’s descended from two of the most powerful witches in history, but others have known for a long time, and are hunting her. Can she protect her siblings from them before it’s too late?
The opening chapter of Spelled throws the reader right in the middle of the action. It’s a bit confusing though, but from the start we have the feeling all will slowly be revealed; and it is. The second chapter introduces us to Georgia and her five siblings, which was a bit of a shock. It’s hard to keep them apart at first, and to figure out who is who. Also, five siblings in a novella? When I started counting them, I grew a little worried. Novellas only leave so little time for character development, and with so many characters, I feared they might be underdeveloped.
However, the main character, Georgia, certainly doesn’t suffer from this. She’s a well-rounded character with a complex, intriguing personality. She’s obviously struggling with keeping her family together, and protecting her siblings, while trying to come to terms with her mother passing away. Luke is an interesting character too. He’s a senior who seems to know more about Georgia than she knows about herself, at times. He’s mysterious and witty, and his personality matches great with Georgia’s personality.
The story reveals itself layer by layer, one mystery after another. We learn about Georgia’s heritage, and what makes her and her family different from others, and why a dark cult is hunting them. The story mixes past and present in a suspenseful mix, and keeps a fast pace from start to end. Spelled is an intriguing novella for fans of young adult paranormal. My only complaint? I wouldn’t have minded had it been longer.
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