Book Review: Denim & Diamonds by Lori Robinett

CoverBTitle: Denim & Diamonds
Author: Lori Robinett
Genre: Romance / Women’s Fiction
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Attorney Beth Jameson might know her way around the courtroom, but doesn’t know a cutting horse from a carousel horse. That doesn’t slow her down when her estranged father dies and leaves her his horse ranch just south of Kansas City. True to form, the gift comes with strings attached – she has to be successful in her first year, or she loses her inheritance. All of it.

Beau, the handsome ranch foreman, was her father’s right hand man, but she must convince him that she’s in it for the long haul – that she isn’t just some city girl that doesn’t respect her father’s legacy. She has to learn the business from the ground up, and must learn to trust others – not an easy thing for a woman who was abandoned by her father and then by her ex-fiancé. Beth can’t believe how quickly the ranch becomes home, and how hard she is willing to work to make it hers . . . and learns that everyone deserves a second chance at happiness.

Denim & Diamonds is currently FREE on Amazon from August 4 – August 7. Get your copy now!

Denim & Diamonds starts out strong, by introducing us to main character Beth Jameson, who I liked right away. She’s an attorney who inherits a ranch from her estranged father when he passes away. She knows nothing about horses, but if she isn’t successful in the first year, then she’ll lose all of her inheritance.

Luckily, she gets some help from Beau, the handsome ranch foreman, who worked alongside her father. But Beau suspects she’s just in it for the money, not for the long haul, and he has little patience for the stuck up city girl. And if she fails, then he gets to have the ranch for himself – so the stakes are high.

Beth, from her side, needs to learn to rely on others and trust them, instead of doing everything herself. If they both want this partnership to work, they’ll need to learn to work together and trust each other.

The writing is great, and the characters are complex and intriguing. I especially liked Beth – she’s a strong woman, who can stand up for herself, and who won’t take crap from anyone. While the plot isn’t that original, it is engaging, and the characters make the book worthwile. A solid read for fans of romance and women’s fiction.


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