Title: Escape from Area 51 (The X+Y Files #3)
Author: Wayne A.D. Kerr
Genre: MG Paranormal Adventure
Age Group: Middle Grade
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
A trip to the top secret military testing base, commonly known as Area 51, was a dream come true for UFO obsessed Xander Bookman – until a strange voice invaded his thoughts. Could the voice really be coming from a joke telling alien, named I-pod, who desperately needs help to escape from the most secure site on the planet?
Of the many who tried, only one man had ever successfully breached the heavily guarded facility. A brilliant Soviet spy managed to the impossible, but he never made it home. One got in; zero got out.
Until now…
Join Xander and Yzzie on their most daring adventure yet.Middle grade readers and adults will enjoy this scary, but fun, action filled, science fiction / paranormal adventure.
The X + Y Files series is ‘The X-Files’ for kids. Xander and Yzzie are the middle grade version of Mulder and Scully.
I already reviewed two books by Wayne A.D. Kerr, Monsters and Miracles (The X+Y Files #1) and Kristin’s Ghost (The X+Y Files #2). I enjoyed both of these books a lot, so I looked forward to getting started on the third book in the series, Escape from Area 51 (The X+Y Files #3).
We meet up with Xander and Yzzie once again in this third installment. This time area, they get to go on a trip to a top secret military testing base, Area 51. For Xander, who has always been obsessed with UFOs and aliens, the trip is a dream come true, but when he starts hearing an alien voice in his mind, presumably belonging to an alien named I-pod, his dream turns into another adventure. I-pod is one of the most hilarious aliens ever, and he needs Xander and Yzzie’s help to escape Area 51. But the military base is one of the most heavily guarded facilities on earth, and breaking the alien out sounds almost impossible. But if anyone can do it, Xander and Yzzie can.
This book is easily the most fast-paced read of all three books in the series. Xander and Yzzie have grown a lot as characters, and they really shine in this book, each of them with their own strength and weaknesses. I-pod is amazing. Not only is his name hilarious, he knows how to crack a joke as well. I’m sure kids will love I-pod.
The writing is excellent, the story and plot are engaging, and the book has plenty of suspense, and a few unsurprising twists. Kids will love this fast-paced story, and all fans of middle grade books should definitely try this series.
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