Title: I Woof You From the Bottom of my Heart
Author: Kathy Vassilakis
Genre: Children’s Book
Age Group: Children
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
The idea to write this book came from my daughter and my dog. This book was written to show children how special a bond and friendship they can have with their dog. Dog’s are wonderful pets and love us unconditionally. They will protect and love us no matter what. Children deserve to learn that at a very young age and grow to love all animals. Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character.
I Woof You From the Bottom of my Heart is one of my favorite books for young children. The book focuses on the relationship of a small child and her dog, the unbreakable bond they have, and it shows kids that dogs are great pets who love just about anyone, and they’re great friends too, protective and loving. The book also shows all kind of things one can do with a pet. The illustrations are cute, and the writing style works for smaller children. I’d definitely recommend this book for young kids.
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