Title: Calasade: Sanguinem Isle
Author: Mark Stone
Genre: Fantasy
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Caderyn Fortis has been many things—loyal husband, soldier, war veteran, public servant. Now he is a fallen nobilis and gambling addict, an alcoholic who never got over the murder of his wife. In his darkest hour an opportunity comes that can help him recover his self-worth and make up for the mistakes that cost him his wife. All he has to do? Discover who kidnapped a young woman and where they took her, then rescue her. He must do this while not alienating his employer—the best suspect—or falling in love with the woman helping him.
Caderyn Fortis used to be a soldier, but now he’s a gambling addict and an alcoholic, a man haunted by his wife’s murder and his own failings in life. Then an opportunity arrives that might give his self-worth back, that might help him make up for the mistakes he has made. He has to rescue a young woman who got kidnapped, but things aren’t as simply as they seem.
With deep roots in the Greek-Roman societies of old, the book presents an interesting fantasy world that the reader can easily settle in. There aren’t many details about this world, but it feels familiar enough that the details aren’t really needed either – you can submerse into this fantasy world without it, and feel instantly at home in this community. Plus, the book relies mostly on action, so long descriptions would slow down the pacing anyway.
On to Caderyn. He has a complex personality, a shaded past, and that makes him intriguing. As a reader, you really get a feel for him, his personality and everything that makes him who he is. He’s troubled and flawed, and all of this makes him interesting.
The pacing is good, there’s action when it’s needed, some slow moments to mix up and get in-depth characterization, and overall it’s an entertaining fantasy book that all fans of the genre will enjoy.
I like stories where a character tries to redeem himself. The roots in Greco-Roman history also seems interesting. Glad you enjoyed the book!