Title: Elysium Dreams
Author: Hadena James
Genre: Horror
Age Group: Adult
Rating: 4,5 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
He skins his victims alive, taking pleasure from their pain.
In the cold, dark nights of Alaska, a hunter is stalking his prey. Once found, he takes them into the woods and skins them alive, prolonging the experience as much as he can, but the satisfaction always wanes.
Aislinn Cain and the Serial Crimes Tracking Unit have just finished up another case when they get the call. Now they are packing their bags and heading for Alaska in March. The team must overcome the hostile locals and harsh climate to catch a killer before he strikes again.
Elysium Dreams is the second book in a series, but I read it as a stand-alone and it worked just fine as such. Aislinn Cain and the rest of her team at the Serial Crimes Tracking Unit haven’t been home for more than two days when they get a call. They need to head to Alaska to capture a serial killer who stalks skins his victims. Yes, yikes. On top of that, Aislinn isn’t fond of cold since she suffered hypothermia once, and ALaska is just about the last place she wants to be.
Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop. Not only does the author have an engaging writing style that truly pulls the reader in, the story is just that good too. The pacing was very fast, with the killer taking a new victim the same day a previous one was found. The investigation is puzzling, and there’s a continuous sense of suspense and foreboding, making it impossible to stop reading once you get started.
I also really enjoyed the characters, in partiuclar Aislinn. She has a lot of baggage, and she’s a high-functioning sociopath, which sort of reminded me of Sherlock Holmes. She sometimes has to force herself to feel. Her flawed personality makes her intriguing, though, and stand out from other detectives.
If you love thrillers, or serial killer horror, I would highly recommend this book.
Thanks for reviewing Elysium Dreams!
Very eerie book.
I loved this book. Hadena James is a friend of mine and she finally got me to try the Dreams series. I was already addicted to her Dysfunctional Chronicles but was not sure I would like this genre of books for the Dreams series.
Book 2, Elysium Dreams is actually the best place to start. Then read books 3 and 4 before you go back to book 1. I’m getting ready to read the 5th in the series myself.
That sounds creepy! There is something about endless expanses of snow and no people for miles that has the potential to be really scary!