Title: Alyssa McCarthy’s Magical Missions Book 2: Wizardry Goes Wild
Author: Sunayna Prasad
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Age Group: Middle Grade
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
After months of living a normal life, thirteen-year-old Alyssa McCarthy faces magic again. Only this time, though, she is cursed with it, thanks to an old depressed skeleton named Errol. Alyssa’s time with her godfather, Alex, will never be the same again, as she can perform sorcery, but never control it.
From letting out enchantments at school to creating outdoor disasters, Alyssa is bound to face consequences. She can only get rid of her powers if she can boost her confidence levels and improve her bravery. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. She must measure those abilities with a special device called a skillometer. Will she be able to get rid of her unwanted wizardry?
Alyssa McCarthy is back for another adventure in Wizardry Goes Wild. This time, she’s cursed with magic, but she struggles to control it – a talented sorcrer she is not. Alyssa doesn’t want to be a wizard at all, but she can only get rid of her powers if she raises her confidence and improves her bravery.
I enjoyed the first book in this series, so I was glad to see Alyssa again. She’s a wonderful, bright girl, and in this book, she’s on a bit of a personal quest, making it easy for the reader to get to know her even better.
The blend of technology and magic works well, the plot is fast-paced, and the characters are very likeable. Middle graders will love this book.
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