Title: A Family War
Author: Stewart Hotston
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: 4 stars
Purchase: Amazon
Review copy provided by Enchanted Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
Helena is one of the Oligarchs, genetically-enhanced, centuries old families who rule the world. As a new world war begins, she is ordered to find a boy who could save the human race from genocide. Yet all is not as it seems; Helena’s finds enemies on all sides, intent on bringing about the war with all its horrific consequences. To make matters worse, Helena’s own integral AI, accidentally freed from its constraints, challenges both her motives and her identity, yet she has no choice but to accept its treacherous aid if she is to have any hope of surviving those who need her dead.
In A Family War, a group of elites have found a way to enhance their genes by incorporating technology into their bodies, making them live for far longer, and making them far stronger than ordinary people. They’re called the Oligarchs, and they rule the world of business, and as such the world. The world has stumbled back into a class-system, with people who have had no enhancements belonging to the lowest class, and being responsible for labor. But when some of the Oligarchs decide these regular humans are no longer needed, and a new world war ensues.
Helena is one of the Oligarchs, but she’s keen on stopping the world war, and on preventing the genocide on the human race. She must find a boy who could save her family, humanity, and put an end to the war. Most of the book focuses on Helena’s journey, which is both a “real” journey and an emotional one. The Helena we meet at the start of the book is vastly different from the Helena we see toward the end.
I loved how the technology was explained – simple enough for readers to understand without having to break their heads over it. The writing was great too, and I really enjoyed reading this scifi novel.
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